1.13.110   Time for administrative hearing.
A.   Only after a request for hearing form is filed, and the responsible person requesting the hearing has either deposited the civil fine in full or obtained a hardship waiver, shall the city set the date and time for the administrative hearing. The hearing shall be conducted within sixty (60) days after the request for hearing form is filed and the civil fine is deposited with the city or hardship waiver is issued. The city shall send notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing to the person requesting the hearing at least ten calendar days before the date of the hearing. The failure of the citee to receive a properly addressed notice shall not invalidate the citation, the amount of the civil fine or any hearing, city action or proceeding conducted pursuant to this chapter.
B.   If the enforcement official submits any written report concerning the administrative citation for consideration at the hearing, then a copy of that report shall also be served by first class mail on the person requesting a administrative hearing no less than three calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. Failure to receive said report shall not invalidate the citation, the hearing, or any other action conducted pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 283 § 2, 2008)