Utility Billing
1030.01   Consolidated Monthly Utility Bill
1030.02   Utility Account Application Requirements
1030.03   Payments
1030.04   Penalties, Late Fees, and Denial of Utility Service
1030.05   Tax Liens
1030.06   Collection of Delinquent Accounts
1030.07   Adjustments
1030.08   Temporary Meters
1030.09   Billing Disputes
1030.10   Utility Billing Rules and Regulations
1030.11   Utility Billing Chargebacks
   Authority to Own and Operate Public Utility - see O. Const. Art. XVIII § 4
   Bulk Water Program - see S.U.&P.S. 1010.11
   City Council Authority to Set Utility Rates - see CHTR. 4.01 E.
   Curb & Gutter Surcharge - see S.U.&P.S. 1020.05
   Extra Strength Surcharges - see S.U.&P.S. 1016.09
   Extraterritorial Customers - see S.U.&P.S. CH. 1031
   Sanitary Sewer Usage Rates & Minimum Discharge Amounts - see S.U.&P.S. 1015.04
   Sanitation Surcharge - see S.U.&P.S. 1025.05
   Solid Waste Collection Fees - see S.U.&P.S. 1025.04
   Stormwater Management Utility Monthly Fees - see S.U.&P.S. 1020.04
   Unpaid Utility Fees, Assessments for - see ADMIN. 250.04
   Utility Billing by Accounts Receivable & Billing Division - see ADMIN. CH. 253
   Utility Funds - see ADMIN. 251.04
   Water Usage & Minimum Consumption Rates - see S.U.&P.S. 1010.05
   (a)   Consolidated Monthly Utility Bill. The Accounts Receivable & Billing Division shall send each customer of any one or more City utility a consolidated monthly utility bill that shall include the following fees (as applicable to the customer's use of the City's utilities):
      (1)   The minimum monthly water utility fee and any other applicable fees under Chapter 1010;
      (2)   The minimum monthly sanitary sewer utility fee and any other applicable fees under Chapter 1015;
      (3)   Extra strength surcharges and any other applicable fees under Chapter 1016;
      (4)   The monthly stormwater user fee, curb and gutter surcharge, and any other applicable fees under Chapter 1020;
      (5)   The minimum monthly solid waste collection fee, sanitation surcharge, and any other applicable fees under Chapter 1025;
      (6)   For extraterritorial customers, the applicable water utility fee and/or sanitary sewer utility fee, plus fifty percent (50%), as set forth in Chapter 1031.
   (b)   Stormwater User Fees for Lots, Parcels, or Uses not Receiving Other City Utilities. Lots, parcels or uses not utilizing any other existing City's utilities may be billed monthly or quarterly in arrears, at the discretion of the Finance Director. All such bills for Stormwater User Fees shall be rendered monthly or quarterly by the Accounts Receivable & Billing Division and shall be placed in the Stormwater Fund.
   (c)   Surcharges. Every utility account shall be billed for the monthly curb and gutter surcharge (Section 1020.05 ) and the monthly sanitation surcharge (Section 1025.05 ). In accordance with division (b) of this section, for utility accounts that are only being billed for stormwater user fees and for no other City utilities, the Finance Director is authorized to bill the required surcharges at the same time and in the same manner as the stormwater user fees.
   (d)   Monthly Readings. Meters shall be read monthly. For large multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial customers, the frequency of meter reading may be more frequent, as determined by the Public Service Director, because of actual or anticipated water consumption.
(Ord. 84-35. Adopted 07/12/84; Ord. 06-86. Adopted 12/28/06; Ord. 07-65. Adopted 12-27/07; Ord. 08-52. Adopted 08/14/08; Ord. 2023-38. Adopted 12/28/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)
   (a)   Utility Account Holder.
      (1)   Residential Uses - Application for City water utility service, sanitary sewer utility service, and/or sanitation service for all residential uses shall be made by the owner of the property in the property owner's own name; provided, however, that when the property is owned by a condominium association, there shall be individual utility accounts for each dwelling unit. Beginning March 1, 2024, no utility account for any residential use shall be permitted in the name of a lessee or tenant and all existing utility accounts in the name of a lessee or tenant shall be transferred to the name of the property owner.
      (2)   Nonresidential Uses - Application for City water utility service, sanitary sewer utility service, and/or solid waste collection service for all nonresidential uses shall be made by the owner of the property or may be made by the occupant or tenant of the property upon the written permission of the property owner.
   (b)   Utility Account Application. All applications for any City utility service shall be made to the City's Accounts Receivable & Billing Division upon the forms prescribed by the Finance Director.
   (c)   Deposits. The Finance Director is hereby authorized to establish and may require, as a part of the Utility Billing Rules and Regulations, security deposits for any utility account. If such security deposits are established by the Finance Director, such deposits shall be placed in a separate cost center and used for no other purpose than to offset unpaid utility bills or shall be returned to the depositor upon cessation of services, after deduction of any unpaid utility bill balance. The posting of a security deposit and the use of the deposit to offset unpaid utility amounts shall not relieve the depositor of any liability for amounts due in excess of the security deposit. No interest shall be paid on any security deposit.
(Ord. 84-25. Adopted 07/12/84; Ord. 06-86. Adopted 12/28/06; Ord. 08-52. Adopted 08/14/08; Ord. 2023-38. Adopted 12/28/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)