Discharges into Wastewater Treatment Plant
1016.01   Purpose and Policy
1016.02   Administration
1016.03   Definitions
1016.04   Prohibitions and Limitations on Wastewater Discharges
1016.05   Control of Wastewater Discharges
1016.06   General Requirements
1016.07   Industrial Discharge Permit System
1016.08   Industrial Wastewater Monitoring and Reporting
1016.09   Fees; Extra Strength Surcharges
1016.10   Enforcement Procedures
1016.11   Penalty Provisions
1016.12   Savings Clause
   Authority to Own and Operate Public Utility - see O. Const. Art. XVIII § 4
   Extraterritorial Customers - see S.U.&P.S. CH. 1031
   Power to Require Sanitary Sewer Connections - see ORC 729.06
   Powers of Municipal Corporations - see ORC 717.01; 715.40
   Rules and Regulations, Authority to Make - see ORC 729.51
   Unpaid Sanitary Sewer Fees, Assessments for - see ADMIN. 250.04
   Utility Billing - see S.U.&P.S. CH. 1030