(a)   Other Actions at Law. The City may collect, by action in law, from any property owner or commercial or industrial tenant who is liable for any delinquent utility payments.
   (b)   Collection Agencies. The City may contract with any debt collection agency or the Ohio Attorney General's Office to act on behalf of the City to collect any delinquent utility accounts sent to the collection agency or the Ohio Attorney General's Office by the Finance Director or his or her designee. Such contract shall provide for the payment of a reasonable collection fee to the agency and shall set forth the terms and conditions under which collections shall be made and paid to the City. A debt collection fee, in the amount set forth in the City's Fee Schedule, Appendix A to the City Government Code, shall be added to every account that is sent to a debt collection agency to offset the costs of the collection fees.
   (c)   Limitation. No delinquent amount that has been certified to the County Auditor for placement upon the property as a tax lien shall be sent for collection to a debt collection agency nor pursued through another action at law.
(Ord. 84-35. Adopted 07/12/84; Ord. 08-52. Adopted 08/14/08; Ord. 08-87. Adopted 12/30-08; Ord. 15-60. Adopted 11/24/15; Ord. 2023-38; Adopted 12/28/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)