(a)   Usage Rates and Minimum Consumption Rates. The water usage rate and minimum water consumption rate for all water utility services located within the City, for the purposes of computing the monthly water service charge per customer, shall be as set forth in the City's Fee Schedule, Appendix A to the City Government Code.
   (b)   Minimum Monthly Charge. A minimum charge based on the water usage rate and minimum water consumption rate shall be billed for any water service which is not ordered discontinued, even though no water service is used.
   (c)   Annual Increase.
      (1)   Beginning January 1, 2026, the water usage rate shall be subject to an annual increase equal to the percentage obtained by averaging the national inflation rates from the United States Labor Department, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the previous three (3) years. This increase shall be referred to as the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). The new water usage rate will be established annually by adding the COLA to the then current water usage rate. The Finance Director is hereby authorized to update the City's Fee Schedule, Appendix A of the City Government Code, to reflect the yearly COLA increase.
      (2)   The Finance Director may, no later than February 1st, recommend to City Council to waive all or any part of the yearly COLA increase, and such recommendation may be for one year or multiple years. Upon such recommendation by the Finance Director, City Council may, by resolution, waive all or any part of the proposed COLA increase for one year or multiple years.
      (3)   If City Council takes no action to waive all or any part of the proposed COLA increase, in accordance with division (c)(2) of this section, the yearly COLA increase shall be implemented by the Finance Director no later than March 1st of that year.
   (d)   Provision of Water Utility Service; Billing. The provision of water utility service to customers and the billing for such service shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and Chapter 1030.
   (e)   Other Metered Usage. Water used from the City's water utility that does not discharge into the City's sanitary sewer utility and that is provided through a temporary meter, such as a portable hose bib meter or a hydrant meter, shall be paid at the actual metered usage at the water usage rate set forth in the City's Fee Schedule, Appendix A to the City Government Code, without consideration of the minimum consumption rate. In addition, the user may be required to pay a deposit for the temporary meter and/or a monthly rental fee, as set forth in Chapter 1030.
   (f)   Unmetered Sprinkler Systems. Customers whose premises have a fire prevention sprinkler system that is unmetered shall pay a monthly fee for such unmetered system, as set forth in the City's Fee Schedule, Appendix A to the City Government Code.
   (g)   Governmental Entities. The use of the water utility by, or the sale of water to, a federal, state or local governmental entity may be in accordance with rates, conditions and terms as outlined in a written contract executed between the City and the governmental entity when such a contract is required by the City.
(Ord. 80-28. Adopted 05/28/80; Ord. 95/73. Adopted 12/14/95; Ord. 04/20. Adopted 05/13/04; Ord. 06/88. Adopted 12/28/06; Ord. 08/04. Adopted 01/10/08; Ord. 09/86. Adopted 12/29/09; Ord. 12-08. Adopted 03/22/12; Ord. 2023-38. Adopted 12/28/23; Em. Ord. 2024-01. Adopted 02/08/24; Ord. 2024-02. Adopted 02/22/24)