The City Manager shall appoint a City Licensing Officer, or if the manager sees fit, may require some other City officer to assume the duties of City Licensing Officer. The City Licensing Officer shall issue all City licenses and shall be governed by the provisions of the ordinances relating to licenses and the applicable laws of the State; provided, however, that the officer may, before issuing any license, require the affidavit of any applicant, setting forth that such applicant is a proper party for such license, and that all terms, requirements and conditions of the licensing laws pertaining to the license applied for have been met. Provided further, that the officer may, before issuing any license, make an investigation to determine whether such terms, requirements and conditions have in fact been met. And provided further, that all applications for beer and/or liquor licenses shall be thoroughly investigated by the officer before any such license shall be issued. The City Licensing Officer and/or Council may revoke any license issued by the City Licensing Officer for any violation of law pertaining to such license.
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall appoint a Clerk of the Municipal Court who shall have the powers and duties as set forth in Section 57
of the Charter. The Judge shall also appoint a Deputy Clerk who shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Judge. The Deputy Clerk shall perform the duties of the Clerk during the Clerk's absence, illness or disability.
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall preside over that Court and try and determine all cases over which that Court has jurisdiction. In the event of the Judge's temporary absence or disability, the City Manager shall appoint a member of the Ohio County Bar to preside over the Court, and perform the duties of the Judge thereof, during the absence or disability of the regular Judge, and the Judge's salary shall be transferred to and paid the temporary Judge for the time of service as such Judge.
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction over all offenses against, or violation of, the ordinances of the City, and full authority to punish in any manner lawfully prescribed by such ordinances, the offenders against or violators of the same.
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall have the same misdemeanor criminal jurisdiction and powers within the City of Wheeling as is now provided by law for magistrates elected in Ohio County.
The Court shall have full power and authority to enforce its orders and judgments, by any process of law which may be necessary and proper for the purpose, and all processes, executions and orders of the Court shall be signed by the Judge or Clerk thereof. Such process and executions shall be directed to the Chief of Police of the City, and be executed by the Chief or one of the Police Officers. In the execution of any process or order of the Court, the Chief of Police or officer shall have the same powers, be governed in these proceedings by the same rules of law, and be subject to the same liabilities as the Sheriff of Ohio County, West Virginia, in the performance of like services. There may be charged for the services of such officer the same fees as the Sheriff is entitled to charge for like services, but all such fees, as well as all fines imposed by the Court, shall be collected by the Chief of Police, and accounted for and paid by the Chief to the Finance Director of the City. The City shall in no event be liable for any such fees.
The Clerk of the Court shall have authority to administer oaths within the City and shall perform such duties as may be required by the Judge of the Court, or be prescribed by rule or order of the Council. Such Clerk may charge the same fees for the Clerk's services as are now allowed to be charged by magistrates for like services, and such fees shall be collected; but all such fees shall be accounted for by the Clerk to the City and paid over to its Finance Director.
A docket and other books required for the records and a seal shall be provided for the Court by the Council, and the seal may be altered or renewed as the Court may direct. Full faith and credit shall be given to the records of the Court, and the certificates of its Judge or Clerk, whether the seal of the Court be affixed thereto or not, in like manner and with the same effect as if the same were records of the Circuit Court or certificates of the Judge of a Circuit Court similarly authenticated.