No ordinance, resolution or action of the Council changing the precinct boundaries or otherwise redistricting the City, or annexing any municipality or territory, or granting to any corporation, firm, person or association, or combination of persons, any privilege, right, license, easement or franchise to establish, maintain or conduct in the City any public utility, except when otherwise required by the general laws of this State, shall go into effect before thirty days from the time of its final passage, and not then unless within two days after passage, Sundays and holidays excepted, the same shall have been published in two newspapers published and generally circulated in the City. And, if during those thirty days a petition signed by ten percent of the qualified voters of the City of Wheeling protesting against the passage of such ordinance, resolution or action, be presented to Council, the ordinance, resolution or action thereupon suspended from going into operation, and it shall be the duty of Council to reconsider the same, and if the same is not entirely repealed the Council shall submit the ordinance, resolution or action as is provided in relation to referendum of ordinances to the vote of the electors of the City, either at the next general municipal election or at a special municipal election to be called for the purpose, and such ordinance, resolution or action shall not go into effect or become operative unless a majority of the qualified electors voting on the same shall vote in favor thereof. Such petition shall conform to the provisions of Section 81 of this Charter and shall be submitted, examined and certified in the manner provided in Section 81 .