From the judgment of the Municipal Court in any case in which there is unpaid a fine of ten dollars or more, or imprisonment, or both, or in any case involving the validity of an ordinance of the City, an appeal shall lie as a matter of right, to the Circuit Court of Ohio County, either on behalf of the defendant or the City, and in any case where a fine is imposed, on demand of the defendant, such fine must be fixed at not less than ten dollars, so that such appeal may be taken; but no defendant shall be entitled to such appeal until and unless the defendant executes before the Municipal Court, or its Clerk, bond in such penalty, not exceeding five hundred dollars, as the Municipal Court may prescribe, conditioned for the performance of the judgment or order of the Circuit Court of the County made or rendered upon such appeal. Every such bond shall be with security approved by the Municipal Court or its Clerk; but in any case in which an appeal is taken or granted on behalf of the City, no bond or security shall be required. Every such appeal shall be proceeded within the Circuit Court in the same manner as is provided by law for the proceedings in such Circuit Court, in cases appealed from Magistrates. If on such appeal judgment be against the appellant, it shall also be against the sureties on the appeal bond for costs, and for any fine or pecuniary penalty adjudged against the defendant. No such appeal shall be allowed after ten days from the date of any final order or judgment desired to be appealed from.
The provisions of the general laws of West Virginia which require and provide civil service in and for municipal fire and police departments in this State, and which do not exclude Wheeling from the operation thereof, shall apply to the Fire and Police Departments of Wheeling.
The Civil Service ordinance of the City of Wheeling in effect on the date of the adoption of this section shall not be altered or amended in any material respect except by the vote of a majority plus one of all of the members elected to Council. Such ordinance shall not be repealed except by the majority vote of the qualified voters of the City who vote on the issue at a general or special municipal election.
At the end of each year the City Council shall cause a full and complete examination of all the books and accounts of the City to be made by the Finance Director or by other competent accountants and shall publish the result of such examination in connection with the annual City financial statement required by law.
All boards and commissions of the City of Wheeling listed in this Charter that receive or disburse money independent of the City Finance Department shall be audited by an independent certified public accountant and the audit report shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year of the board or commission.
The Council Assessor or other officer assessing property in Ohio County for taxation for State and County purposes, shall furnish to the Council of the City of Wheeling, a transcript of the assessment of real and personal property within the City liable to taxation by the State, on or before the first day of August of each year, and shall receive such compensation therefor as may be fixed by Council.