The Mayor shall appoint and chair a committee of Council designated as the Development Committee, consisting of three members of Council, including the Mayor. The Development Committee shall consider and report to Council matters related to economic development, the use of public buildings and real estate, planning, zoning, housing and annexation.
The Mayor shall appoint and chair the Mayor's Commission on Economic and Industrial Development, consisting of eleven members, including the Mayor, the other members of the Development Committee of Council, the City Manager, and seven additional members. The Commission shall provide advice on economic and industrial development.
At the first meeting of Council in December 1992, and, thereafter, at the first meeting of Council in July following the regular municipal election, and at such other times as there may be a vacancy in the position, the Mayor shall appoint one of the members of Council as Vice-Mayor, subject to the approval of Council. The Vice-Mayor shall perform the duties of the Mayor during the Mayor's absence or disability. In the event of the death, removal or resignation of the Mayor, the Council shall choose one of its members as Mayor for the unexpired term. No additional compensation shall attach to the office of Vice-Mayor.
The appointments to be made by the Mayor shall be made with the advice and consent of the Council, and such appointees shall serve at the pleasure of Council, except for the appointments made pursuant to Section 28
There is hereby created a commission to be known as the Traffic Commission, whose duty it shall be to recommend rules and regulations concerning the parking of automobiles and other vehicles, and regulating such parking on the public thoroughfares in the City of Wheeling. Such recommendations shall be forwarded to Council in the form of ordinances, for action by Council. The Commission shall be composed of five residents of the City of Wheeling, none of whom shall be State, County or City officials, and who shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve at the pleasure of Council.
Consistent with the requirements of W.Va. Code Sec. 8-24-1 et seq., for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals or the general welfare of the community, the Council may pass and cause to be enforced such ordinances as it shall deem necessary or proper to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, size of buildings and other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population, and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes. For any or all of those purposes, Council may divide the City and the districts into such number, shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this act, and within such districts it may regulate and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures or land. All such regulations shall be uniform for each class or kind of building throughout each district, but the regulations in one district may differ from those in other districts. Such regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan and design to lessen the congestion, to secure safety from fire, panic or other danger, to promote health and general welfare, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent the crowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population, and to facilitate the adequate provision for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other requirements. Such regulations shall be made with reasonable consideration being given to the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with the view to conserve the value of buildings and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the City of Wheeling. Council shall provide for the manner in which such regulations and restrictions and the boundaries of such district shall be determined, established and enforced, and from time to time may amend, supplement or change; provided, however, that no such regulations, restrictions or boundaries shall become effective until after public hearing in relation thereto, at which parties interested and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least fifteen days' notice of the time such regulations are to be presented shall be published in at least two newspapers published and circulated in the City of Wheeling.
Council may provide by ordinance for the enforcement of this section, or of any ordinance or regulations made thereunder. The violation of any such ordinances or regulations adopted or made, is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and Council may provide for the punishment by fine for any violation thereof.
In case any building or structure is erected or constructed, altered, repaired, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of this section or of any ordinance or any other regulation made under authority conferred hereby, Council in addition to other remedies may in the name of the City bring an appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, alterations, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, and to restrain, correct or abate such violations, to prevent the occupancy of the building, structure or land, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises.
The Council may cause to be taken or damaged for the use of the City, for streets, alleys, markets, bridges, public squares, parks, playgrounds, and other municipal purposes, including occupation by sewer, water pipes, gas pipes, heating pipes, compressed air pipes and electric or other subways, any private property within the City, (but where such use is to secure or improve the water supply, or for park, playgrounds, sanitary or cemetery purposes, outside the limits of the City) but no such property shall be taken or damaged without just compensation. The compensation, if it cannot be determined by agreement with the owner of the property so taken or damaged, shall be ascertained in such manner as is or may be prescribed by general law for the condemnation of land for public purposes. In addition to all other levies provided by law, the Council of the City of Wheeling shall have the right of levy annually not to exceed five cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of the property within the limits of the City according to the last assessment thereof for State and County purposes, for the purpose of obtaining and maintaining parks, playgrounds and recreation centers.
For the management of that plat of ground heretofore known as Wheeling Park, and donated to the City of Wheeling on the eighteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred twenty-four, for use as a municipal park, and for the management of the other parks of Wheeling there shall be, and there is hereby created a commission to be known as "Wheeling Park Commission" and the same is hereby made a body corporate, and by that name the Commission may sue and be sued; plead and be impleaded; and contract and be contracted with. The said Commission shall consist of five citizens of the City of Wheeling, who shall be appointed in the manner hereinafter set out and who shall serve without compensation and shall hold no remunerative political office, either State, County or Municipal; and no member of the Commission shall be eligible to appointment to any remunerative office or position under the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Commissioners in office at the time this Charter becomes effective shall continue in office for the duration of the terms for which they were appointed, and thereafter their successors shall be appointed either by the Board of Directors of the Wheeling Chamber of Commerce or by the City Manager, as the case may be, which appointed the Commissioner whose place is being filled. The respective successors shall be appointed for the term of five years each, excepting that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of a term, shall serve only for the unexpired term; any Commissioner shall be eligible for reappointment; provided further, that any vacancy created either by the expiration of a term, or otherwise, shall be filled by the appointing body, either the Board of Directors of the Wheeling Chamber of Commerce, or the City Manager, as the case may be, which appointed the Commissioner whose place on the Commission is being filled. Upon the appointment of said Commission the members thereof shall elect from among their number a Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer who shall hold office for one year and be eligible for re-election. Annually thereafter the Commission shall organize by the election of a Secretary-Treasurer and such other officers from its own number as it may deem advisable. Members of the Commission may be removed from office in the same manner as provided for the removal of County officers under Section 7, Article 6, Chapter 6 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended. The Commission shall have all and sole power necessary, convenient and advisable for the proper care, equipment and management of the said Wheeling Park and other parks heretofore and hereafter acquired by the City of Wheeling, either by gift or purchase, and shall make such rules and regulations as it shall deem expedient for the care and management thereof.
In order to provide for the purchase of the equipment for use in Wheeling Park and Oglebay Park (Waddington) and for the maintenance and upkeep of said Wheeling Park and Oglebay Park, the City Council of Wheeling shall levy annually ten cents, or lesser amount, if requested by the Commission, on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of the property within the limits of the City, according to the last assessment thereof for State and County purposes. The proceeds of this ten cent levy shall be for the exclusive use of said Wheeling Park, Oglebay Park and any other parks heretofore or hereafter acquired as aforesaid by the City of Wheeling, and shall be disbursed only upon the order of the commission evidenced by warrants drawn on the City Treasurer, and signed by the Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Commission.
The annual levy referred to in the foregoing section is hereby defined in light of the Tax Limitation Amendment to the West Virginia Constitution as 1.4 cents for Class I property, 2.8 cents for Class II property, and 5.6 cents for Class IV property on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of the property within the City.
In addition to those boards and commissions discussed elsewhere in this Charter, and without limitation as to those boards and commissions that may be created in the future by appropriate authority, the boards and commissions of the City of Wheeling, as established by the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wheeling, and with such authority and duties as prescribed therein or by statute, are as follows:
Planning Commission, consisting of not less than five nor more than fifteen residents of the City who are qualified by knowledge and experience in matters pertaining to the development of the City, including representatives of business, industry and labor, nominated by the City Manager and confirmed by Council, and three fifths of whom shall have been residents of the City for at least ten years prior to appointment, and one of whom shall also be a member of Council and one of whom shall also be a member of the Administrative Department of the City, whose terms shall be coextensive with the terms of office to which they have been elected or appointed, unless the City Manager or Council, at the first regular meeting of each fiscal year, appoint others to serve as the representatives.
Recreation Commission, consisting of eleven members who shall be residents of the City, and be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and approval of Council, and one or more of whom shall be a woman.
Municipal Civil Service Commission, consisting of three commissioners, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council, and who shall be qualified voters of the City and who shall be in full sympathy with the purposes of the article of the City Code relating to civil service.
Municipal Parking Authority, consisting of five members appointed by Council, who shall be residents of the City of Wheeling or Ohio County, and one member only of whom shall be a member of Council appointed for a term which shall expire when the member's term of Council expires.
The Greater Wheeling Sports and Entertainment Authority, which previously has been known as the Municipal Auditorium Board, consisting of nine members appointed by Council without regard to their political affiliations, but with regard to their business and professional experience or standing as residents of the City of Wheeling or Ohio County, West Virginia, who shall be residents of the City of Wheeling or Ohio County, West Virginia and a minimum of one member whom shall be a member of Council appointed for a term which shall expire when the member’s term of Council expires. (Amended 5-21-15.)
Hall of Fame Board, consisting of nineteen members appointed by Council without regard to their political affiliations, but with regard to their knowledge and experience relating to the various categories of persons to be honored in the Hall of Fame, who shall be residents of the City, and one member only of whom shall be a member of Council appointed for a term which shall expire when the member's term of Council expires.
Human Rights Commission, consisting of nine members, all residents of the City and broadly representative of the several racial, religious and ethnic groups residing within the City, at least one of whom must be a licensed practicing attorney, to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Ohio Valley Regional Transportation Authority, operated by a Board of not less than five nor more than fifteen individuals who shall be appointed for terms of three years by the governing bodies of those municipal and county governments electing to participate in the Authority, with Council to designate by ordinance a member to serve on the Board, who shall be a resident of the City, and who may be a member of Council.
Historic Landmarks Commission, consisting of five members appointed by the City Manager, who shall be residents of the City, a majority of whom shall have demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history, architecture, planning, real estate or law, and at least one of whom shall be a member of Council, whose term shall expire at the same time as the expiration of the member's term of Council.
Centre Market Commission, consisting of five members, appointed by Council, who shall be residents of the City.
Board of Zoning Appeals, consisting of five residents of the City appointed by the Mayor with the consent of Council, three of whom shall have been residents of the City for at least ten years preceding the date of their appointment, and none of whom shall be members of the Planning Commission or hold any elective or appointive office in the City or Ohio County.
Sign Board of Appeals, consisting of five members, to be appointed by Council, and who shall be residents of the City, and holding no elective or appointed office in the City or Ohio County. Appeal from any decision of the Sign Board shall be by certiorari to the Circuit Court of Ohio County, and there shall be no appeal to Council.
Building Codes Board of Appeals, consisting of five members, appointed by the City Manager, and who shall have been residents of the City for at least one year prior to appointment, with each member to serve five years, or until a successor has been appointed. Each member shall be a licensed professional engineer or architect; or a builder or superintendent of building construction, or a plumbing contractor or superintendent of plumbing systems construction, with at least ten years' experience, five of which shall have been in responsible charge of work. Not more than two members shall be from the same profession or occupation, and at least one professional engineer shall be a licensed structural or civil engineer with architectural engineering experience; at least one professional engineer shall be a mechanical engineer or a civil engineer with mechanical engineering experience. The City Manager shall also appoint two alternate members who shall be called by the board chairperson to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. Alternate members shall possess the qualifications required for board membership, and shall be appointed for five years or until a successor has been appointed.
The City Manager shall be appointed by Council, and shall serve at the pleasure of Council: Provided, That the removal of the City Manager shall require a vote of a majority plus one of the members elected to Council: Provided, further, That if removed at any time after the Manager has served six months, the Manager may demand written charges and the right to be heard thereon at a public meeting of the Council prior to the date on which the final removal shall take effect, but pending and during that hearing the Council may suspend the Manager from office. The action of suspending or removing the City Manager shall be final, it being the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix all responsibility for such suspension or removal in the Council. The Council may designate some other officer of the City to perform the duties of the City Manager during the Manager's absence or disability. No person shall be eligible to the office of City Manager who has been convicted of bribery or perjury or a felony or other infamous crime. The Council shall appoint a City Manager solely on the basis of the Manager's executive and administrative qualifications, and the Manager need not be a resident of the City or State when appointed. Neither the Mayor nor any member of Council shall be chosen as City Manager.