The Council shall provide by ordinance for the deposit of all public moneys of the City in such bank or banks situated within the City as Council shall designate by ordinance. Before any public moneys shall be deposited in such bank it shall give a good and sufficient bond to the city to secure the accounting for and due payment over such public moneys, with security approved by the Council. The security shall always be in a sum not less than ten percent in excess of the maximum amount at any time deposited, but there shall not be deposited in any one bank an amount in excess of the paid-in capital stock and surplus of such bank, and not in any event an amount in excess of six million dollars. As to any deposits made under authority of an ordinance of the Council, passed pursuant to this section, neither the depositing officer nor other persons so depositing, nor such officers’ sureties, shall be liable for any loss occasioned by the deposit or in anywise growing out of it.
(Ord. 13382. Passed 2-20-07.)
(Ord. 13382. Passed 2-20-07.)
All officers of the City of Wheeling who shall collect or receive, or whose official duty it is or shall be, to collect, receive, hold or pay out any money belonging to, or which is or shall be for the use of the City, shall make annual account and settlement therefor. Such settlement when made shall be subject to exceptions, and shall take such direction and have only such force and effect as may be provided by law; but in all cases such settlements shall be recorded and be open to examination of the people at such convenient place or places as may be appointed by ordinance of the City.
Any member of Council may be removed from office by the following procedure: a petition signed by at least ten percent of the qualified voters of the City shall be filed with the City Clerk, which petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds for which the removal is sought. Such petition shall be submitted, examined and certified in a manner provided in this Charter, and if such petition be deemed sufficient by the City Clerk, the Clerk shall certify the same to the City Council without delay. Upon receipt of such petition the Council shall order and fix a date for holding a special recall election, not less than thirty days nor more than fifty days from the date of the Clerk's certificate. The Council shall publish notice of the election once a week for three successive weeks in two newspapers of general circulation in the City. The ballot for such recall election shall be substantially of the following form and effect:
OFFICIAL BALLOT ..................... day of ............................ , 19..... Special recall election for the removal of A.B...................... For the recall of A.B.......................................... Against the recall of A.B..................................... |
Should a majority of the votes cast be in favor of recalling the member of Council, subject to this provision, such member of Council shall forthwith forfeit the Council seat and the Council shall, at its next meeting following the recall election, appoint a successor to such office for the unexpired term of same. If a recall petition bears the signatures of five thousand qualified voters of the City when certified to Council, the member of Council named therein shall be suspended from office pending the result of the recall election.
The method of removal shall be cumulative and in addition to any other methods of removal provided by law. No recall petition shall be filed within ninety days succeeding or preceding any regular Council election.
Any person who shall bribe, by directly or indirectly giving to or bestowing upon a member of the Council of the City, or other officer thereof, any money, testimonial or other valuable thing, or do any act beneficial to such officer, in order to influence the officer in the performance of any official or public duties, shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office or position of honor, trust or profit in the City.
Any person attempting to bribe, by offering or proposing to give any officer or member of Council of the City of Wheeling money, testimonial or other valuable things, or to do any act beneficial to such officer or member of Council in the performance of any official or public duties, shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit in the City.
If any member of the Council of the City of Wheeling, or other officer of the City shall demand or receive from any corporation, company, firm or person, any money, testimonial or other valuable thing, for the performance of any official or public duties, or for refusal or failure to perform the same, or for any vote or influence given or withheld as such member of Council or other officer, or for making any particular nomination or appointment, that person shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit in the City.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Charter, for the violation of which no punishment has been provided herein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.