Any person who shall bribe, by directly or indirectly giving to or bestowing upon a member of the Council of the City, or other officer thereof, any money, testimonial or other valuable thing, or do any act beneficial to such officer, in order to influence the officer in the performance of any official or public duties, shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office or position of honor, trust or profit in the City.
Any person attempting to bribe, by offering or proposing to give any officer or member of Council of the City of Wheeling money, testimonial or other valuable things, or to do any act beneficial to such officer or member of Council in the performance of any official or public duties, shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit in the City.
If any member of the Council of the City of Wheeling, or other officer of the City shall demand or receive from any corporation, company, firm or person, any money, testimonial or other valuable thing, for the performance of any official or public duties, or for refusal or failure to perform the same, or for any vote or influence given or withheld as such member of Council or other officer, or for making any particular nomination or appointment, that person shall be deemed guilty of a felony in accordance with Chapter 61 of the West Virginia Code, and shall, moreover, be forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit in the City.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Charter, for the violation of which no punishment has been provided herein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
All copies purporting to be copies of the ordinances of the City, or extracts from the journal or minutes of the Council, which shall be printed by the authority of the Council, or which shall be certified to be true and correct by the Clerk of the City under the seal thereof, shall be received by all courts and magistrates of this State as prima facie evidence of the tenor of such ordinances and of the acts and proceedings of the Council therein set forth.
All fees and money paid to an officer of the City, for an official service, shall belong to the City and be paid at once into the City Treasury by such officer, the salary or compensation given by the City to its officers respectively, being all the compensation they shall be entitled to for an official service.
Signatures to petitions provided in this Charter need not be appended to one paper, but each paper bearing signatures shall state, at the top thereof, the purpose of the petition, and there shall be attached thereto the affidavit of the circulator thereof stating that each signature was made in the circulator's presence on the date specified and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, and, in cases requiring signatures of qualified voters, that such person is to the best of the circulator's knowledge and belief a qualified voter of the City of Wheeling. Opposite each signature is to be given the place of residence in Wheeling of each signer, by street and number where possible, and the date such persons signed the petition. All separate papers comprising a petition shall be assembled and filed with the City Clerk as one instrument. Upon receiving any petition, the City Clerk shall immediately examine the same, and if found to contain the number of valid signatures requisite for the purpose specified therein and that it complies with the requirements hereof, shall certify such petitions to be in good form and shall forthwith transmit such petition to the Council. If such petition does not contain the requisite number of valid signatures or fails to comply with the requirements hereof in any other respect, the City Clerk shall state in writing the defect or defects therein and shall return it to the party who filed it. If the petition is returned to the City Clerk within ten days thereafter, and then is found to meet the requirements hereof, the City Clerk shall certify same to be in good form, and shall transmit same to the Council forthwith. The Council may allow the City Clerk such reasonable sum as may be necessary to secure any additional help required to assist in the examination of any petition or petitions, or the City Manager may be directed to assign to the City Clerk competent City employees for such purpose. This section shall not apply to nominating petitions except as to the examination thereof.