It shall be the duty of the City Manager to act as chief conservator of the peace within the City; to supervise the administration of the affairs of the City, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Charter; to see that the orders, bylaws, ordinances, acts and resolutions of the Council thereof are faithfully executed and enforced; and to see that the laws of the State are enforced within the corporate limits of the City. It shall also be the duty of the City Manager to make all appointments and removals in the administrative and executive services except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and those appointments and removals shall be made exclusively by the City Manager without the consultation, advice or approval of the Council or any member thereof; to recommend from time to time to the Council such measures as the Manager may deem necessary for the welfare of the City; to keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City; to prepare and submit to the Council the annual budget estimate; to prepare and submit to the Council such reports as may be required by that body, and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required by ordinance or resolution of the Council. The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of the affairs of the City by the Manager's subordinates. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, all other executive and administrative powers conferred by the laws of the State upon any municipal official shall be exercised by the City Manager or persons designated by the Manager. The City Manager shall be vested with discretion in the performance of the Manager's duties, and shall not be subject to direction or control by any member of the Council or any other person or persons. The City Manager shall have the power to remove any officer whom the Manager may appoint, or any employee of the City for whose duties or work the Manager is responsible, unless otherwise provided in this Charter.
The City Manager shall negotiate and enter into all contracts upon behalf of the City except those of the Park Commission of the City of Wheeling, and as otherwise provided in this Charter or by ordinance. Such contracts to be negotiated and entered into by the City Manager shall be within the limits of the budget, as determined by the purpose and subject matters of the contracts. If any such contract involves the expenditure of more than five thousand dollars, or the performance thereof extends beyond the budget year, or involves the expenditure of money not within the budget, such contract must be ratified by Council, by an ordinance. The City Manager shall report in writing to Council any negotiations and the terms of the contracts requiring their ratification, and the Council may in such cases, alter, amend, ratify or reject any such contract. Any contract executed by the City Manager on behalf of the City in violation of the terms of this section shall not be binding upon the City.
The duties assigned to administrative officers shall be exercised under the supervision of the Manager. In all cases required by ordinance or in which the manager may deem it advisable, the City Manager shall take of any person appointed a bond, payable to the City of Wheeling conditioned on the faithful performance of the person's duties, and in such amount as the City Manager shall deem requisite. Such bonds shall be filed with the City Clerk. No person shall be appointed in the executive or administrative services of the City who has been convicted of bribery, perjury, felony or other infamous crime. But residence within the City at the time of such appointment shall not be a necessary qualification for appointment unless the Constitution of the State shall provide otherwise. If the City Manager or any other officer of the City shall be a member, manager, officer or stockholder of any partnership, business, firm or corporation, which by contract furnishes material and supplies to the City or to any workman or contractor for the City, that shall not of itself constitute a disqualification for office under this Charter. Unless otherwise provided by this Charter or by ordinance, the City Manager shall fix the compensation for all persons in the executive and administrative services of the City, within the limits and terms of the budget.
The City Manager and such other officers of the City as may be designated by vote of Council, shall be entitled to seats in the Council. None of those officials shall have a vote in the Council, but the City Manager shall have the right to discuss any matter coming before the Council and the other officers shall be entitled to discuss any matter before the Council relating to their respective departments and offices.
No person in the executive or administrative services shall directly or indirectly give, solicit or receive, or in any manner be concerned in giving, soliciting or receiving any assignment, subscription, or contribution for any political party or for any candidate. No person in the executive or. administrative services of the City shall be an officer or member of any political committee, nor shall such person take an active part in any political campaign. Any violation of this section shall operate to forfeit the office or position held by the person violating the same and shall render any such person ineligible to any municipal office or position for a period of one year.
Neither the Council nor any of its committees or members shall interfere in any way with the appointment or removal of any of the officers or employees in the executive or administrative services. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with that part of the executive and administrative services for which the City Manager is responsible, solely through the City Manager.
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of Council, shall appoint a City Clerk, to serve at the pleasure of Council. The Clerk shall be charged with the responsibility of keeping the journal of the proceedings of the Council and other municipal records. The City Clerk shall be clerk of, and provide necessary clerical and stenographic services to the Council, its committees, the Civil Service Commissions, and the other Boards and Commissions of the City listed in the Charter.