(A) A flood protection setback equal to twice the width of the watercourse channel measuring from the top of one bank to the top of the opposite bank or 50 feet, whichever is less, shall be maintained from the top of the banks of all watercourses. To reduce erosion, natural vegetation shall be maintained in this area. Where natural vegetation does not exist along the watercourse and conditions for replanting are suitable, high priority shall be given to planting vegetation in the setback area to stabilize banks and enhance aquatic resources.
(B) Necessary public works and temporary construction may be exempted from this section.
(C) The Floodplain Administrator may consider an appeal to the flood protection setback requirement if the applicant demonstrates that it is impossible to allow any development without encroachment into the flood protection setback area. The appeal conditions shall be the minimum necessary and shall be made only after due consideration is given to varying other siting standards, such as side, front, and back lot line setbacks.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
It shall be unlawful for any contractor, person, partnership, business, or corporation to undertake or cause to be undertaken any development or the new construction, substantial improvement, repair of substantial damage, the placement or relocation of any structure (including manufactured homes) within the city, unless a permit has been obtained from the Floodplain Administrator. In addition, where land is to be subdivided, utilized for a manufactured home park or subdivision, or otherwise developed, a detailed site plan must be submitted to, and approved by, the Floodplain Administrator prior to any such development.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010) Penalty, see § 156.999
(A) The Floodplain Administrator shall review, or shall cause to be reviewed; all permit applications and plans in order to determine whether proposed building sites are reasonably safe from flooding.
(B) All permits and plans shall be approved only after it has been determined that the proposed work to be undertaken will be in conformance with the requirements of the state and all other applicable codes and ordinances.
(C) The Floodplain Administrator shall not issue a permit to any person who does not possess a valid contractor’s license when a contractor’s license is required by W. Va. Code 21-11-10.
(D) (1) The Floodplain Administrator, before issuance of the permit, shall require the applicant to furnish satisfactory proof that such person is duly licensed as a contractor under the provisions of West Virginia Code.
(2) If the applicant is not licensed a written affidavit that such person is not subject to licensure as a contractor or subcontractor as defined in W. Va. Code 21-11-3 shall be provided to the Floodplain Administrator and placed in the permit file.
(E) The Floodplain Administrator shall require copies of all necessary permits from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by federal or state law.
(F) The Floodplain Administrator shall provide a copy of all permits to the County Assessor as required by W. Va. Code 11-3-3A.
(G) The Floodplain Administrator shall provide a copy of all permits for new structures to the County E-911 Addressing Coordinator.
(H) The County E-911 Addressing Coordinator shall provide a copy of all requests for addresses for new structures to the County Floodplain Administrator.
(I) The city shall provide sufficient space to allow the Floodplain Administrator to keep on file in perpetuity, in a location safe from natural hazards, all information collected during the course of the administration of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992)
After the issuance of a permit or site plan approval by the Floodplain Administrator, no changes of any kind shall be made to the application, permit, or any of the plans, specifications, or other documents submitted with the application without the written consent or approval of the Floodplain Administrator.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
The Floodplain Administrator shall issue a permit placard, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises during the time construction is in progress. This placard shall show the number of the building, permit, the date of its issuance, and be signed by the Floodplain Administrator.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)