§ 156.039 FILL.
   (A)   The City Council officially recognizes the beneficial functions the floodplain serves in storage and transportation of water during floods. Placement of fill in the floodplain area is discouraged and should be minimized. No fill shall be permitted in the floodway.
   (B)   All fill placed in other floodplain areas shall meet or exceed the following standards:
      (1)   Fill shall be used only to the extent to which it does not adversely affect adjacent properties. The city may require the applicant to demonstrate, through engineering reports, that proposed fill would not adversely affect adjacent properties. When required, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses shall be undertaken only by professional engineers who shall certify that the technical methods used correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts. The resultant study shall include a cover letter, signed, and sealed by the responsible professional, providing a statement of findings in basic terms. In addition, studies, analyses, computations, and the like shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow a thorough technical review by the city. During permit review, the community shall consider the following issues that have the potential to cause adverse impact to adjacent properties:
         (a)   Unacceptable increases in flood heights;
         (b)   Blocking drainage from adjacent property;
         (c)   Deflection of flood waters onto adjacent existing structures;
         (d)   Increases to stream velocity initiating or exacerbating erosion problems; and
         (e)   Other unique site conditions may be considered when determining whether fill will cause adverse impact to adjacent property including, but not limited to, subsidence areas, karst topography, stream blockages, and steep topography adjacent to the channel.
      (2)   Fill shall be used only to the extent to which it does not adversely affect the capacity of channels or floodways of any tributary to the main stream, drainage ditch, or any other drainage facility or system;
      (3)   Filled site must be contoured to drain properly (to avoid ponding);
      (4)   Fill shall extend beyond a structure for a sufficient distance to provide acceptable access. For residential structures, fill shall extend laterally 15 feet beyond the building line from all points before the start of sloping required in following section. For nonresidential structures, fill shall be placed to provide access acceptable for intended use;
      (5)   At grade access, with fill extending laterally 15 feet beyond the building line, shall be provided to a minimum of 25% of the perimeter of a nonresidential structure;
      (6)   Fill shall consist of soil or rock material only. Sanitary landfills shall not be permitted; no trash or woody debris shall be buried on site;
      (7)   Fill material shall be compacted to provide the necessary stability and resistance to erosion, scouring or settling. Fill compaction standards must be appropriate to proposed post fill use, particular attention is necessary when fill is being used to elevate a structure;
      (8)   Fill slopes shall be no steeper than one vertical on two horizontal, unless substantiating data justifying steeper slopes are submitted to and approved by the Floodplain Administrator;
      (9)   Fill site and fill must be protected from erosion;
      (10)   All applicants placing fill in a mapped flood hazard area must obtain a conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR) from FEMA when directed to do so by the Floodplain Administrator before a permit can be issued. After fill is finished, the applicant must convert the CLOMR to a letter of map revision based on fill (LOMR-F) before a certificate of compliance can be issued; and
      (11)   The applicant must submit any maps, computations, or other material required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise the Flood Insurance Study and/or Flood Insurance Rate Maps, when notified by the Floodplain Administrator, and must pay any fees or other costs assessed by FEMA for this purpose.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
   (A)   All structures and other developments shall be constructed and placed on the lot so as to offer the minimum obstruction to the flow of water and shall be designed to have a minimum obstruction effect upon the flow and height of flood water.
   (B)   Whenever possible, structures shall be constructed with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of flood flow.
   (C)   So far as practicable, structures shall be placed approximately on the same flood-flow lines as those of adjoining structures.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
§ 156.041 ANCHORING.
   All structures and other developments, including stream crossings, shall be firmly anchored in accordance with accepted engineering practices to prevent flotation, collapse, and lateral movement, thus reducing the threat to life and property and decreasing the possibility of the blockage of bridge openings and other restricted sections of the watercourse. All air ducts, large pipes, and storage tanks located at or below the base flood elevation shall be firmly anchored to resist flotation.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
§ 156.042 STORAGE.
   (A)   No materials that are buoyant, flammable, explosive, or, in times of flooding, could be injurious to human, animal, or plant life shall be stored below base flood elevation.
   (B)   Storage of other material or equipment may be allowed if not subject to major damage by floods and firmly anchored to prevent flotation or readily removable from the area within the time available after flood warning.
   (C)   Due to the potential of masking the natural elevation and making it more difficult to enforce this chapter, material that resembles fill material shall not be considered storage material for purposes of this section.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
   (A)   All new or replacement water systems, whether public or private, shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems.
   (B)   All new or replacement sanitary disposal systems, whether public or private, shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters.
   (C)   All other new or replacement public and/or private utilities and facilities shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
   (D)   Onsite waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
§ 156.044 DRAINAGE.
   Adequate drainage shall be provided to reduce exposure to flood hazard.
(Ord. passed 5-4-1992; Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
   (A)   Except as provided in division (B) below, appurtenant structures shall be located out of the floodplain area or elevated to two feet above the base flood elevation.
   (B)   Where appurtenant structures not connected to the principal structure are to be located on sites below the base flood elevation, the following flood damage reduction provisions apply:
      (1)   Structures shall be no more than 600 square feet in size and valued at less than $10,000;
      (2)   Floors shall be at or above grade on at least one side;
      (3)   Structures shall be located, oriented, and constructed to minimize flood damage;
      (4)   Structures shall be designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy;
      (5)   Flood-resistant materials as detailed in FEMA Technical Bulletin 2-93 (FIA-TB-2) shall be used in the construction of the structure from the lowest structural element to two feet above the base flood elevation;
      (6)   Machinery, electric devices or appliances, and all utilities shall be located at least two feet above the base flood elevation;
      (7)   The venting requirements contained in § 156.036 are applicable and shall be strictly adhered to.
   (C)   In addition, a Non-conversion Agreement shall be signed by the applicant stating that the use of the appurtenant structure or detached or attached garage shall not be changed from the use permitted, acknowledging that the structure may be subject to greater flood risk and that higher flood insurance premiums may be possible, and that a change in use may require full compliance with this chapter. The applicant agrees to notify prospective buyers of the existence of this agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to transfer the agreement at closing to the new owner via notarized signature, a copy of all new agreements shall be provided to the Floodplain Administrator. Failure to transfer the agreement and provide a signed copy to the Floodplain Administrator shall subject the violator to the penalties set forth in § 156.999.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   A flood protection setback equal to twice the width of the watercourse channel measuring from the top of one bank to the top of the opposite bank or 50 feet, whichever is less, shall be maintained from the top of the banks of all watercourses. To reduce erosion, natural vegetation shall be maintained in this area. Where natural vegetation does not exist along the watercourse and conditions for replanting are suitable, high priority shall be given to planting vegetation in the setback area to stabilize banks and enhance aquatic resources.
   (B)   Necessary public works and temporary construction may be exempted from this section.
   (C)   The Floodplain Administrator may consider an appeal to the flood protection setback requirement if the applicant demonstrates that it is impossible to allow any development without encroachment into the flood protection setback area. The appeal conditions shall be the minimum necessary and shall be made only after due consideration is given to varying other siting standards, such as side, front, and back lot line setbacks.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
   Backflow prevention valves should be used for all enclosed structures with sewage or drainage facilities located in the floodplain.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010)