In all municipal elections, the mode of voting shall be by paper ballot or electronic voting machines. All elections in the city shall be held and conducted, and the results thereof certified, returned, and finally determined, and all election contests conducted, in accordance with the laws of the State of West Virginia relating to general elections.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
If anyone who shall have been duly elected Mayor or member of Common Council shall not have been eligible as herein prescribed, or shall refuse or fail to take the oath and give the bond required under this act, within the time prescribed, the Council shall declare the office vacant and proceed to fill the vacancy.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
Whenever a vacancy shall occur from any cause in the office of Mayor or member of Council, the Council shall immediately fill such vacancy by a vote of a majority of the Council. The appointed officer shall serve until the next scheduled election.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
The Common Council shall, by order, designate and appoint a Council Member who shall act as Mayor in the absence from the city of the Mayor. While so acting, the Mayor Pro-tem shall be vested with all the powers and duties of the office.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
At meetings of the Common Council, minutes of the proceedings of the prior meeting shall be read and corrected, if erroneous, and signed by the presiding officer, and countersigned by the City Clerk. Upon the call of any member, the ayes and noes upon any question shall be taken and recorded in the journal, and the roll for that purpose shall be called alphabetically.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
Regular meetings of the Common Council shall be held on the first Monday of each month except when that day is a holiday, in which event the regular monthly meeting shall be held the following day. The time for said meetings shall be set by order of Council, with public notice. However, the Council shall have the power to change the regular appointed day and time of its meetings by ordinance. The Council may by ordinance provide procedures for the call of special meetings. No business may be conducted at either a regular or special meeting unless a quorum is present. All meetings must be conducted in compliance with the West Virginia Open Governmental Proceedings Law.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
1. The City Manager shall be the chief city administrator, and shall supervise all city services, department chiefs, and all city employees. The City Manager, together with the City Clerk, shall develop and periodically revise a city personnel manual with qualification statements and guidelines for all appointed officer and employee positions. The City Manager shall conduct his duties in accord with policies established by the Common Council.
2. The City Clerk shall keep a journal of the proceedings, ordinances, acts, orders, and resolutions of the Common Council, and have charge of and preserve the records of the city, in the city building safe or vault, if there be one. The City Clerk shall also assist the Common Council and the City Manager in the supervision of all city services and shall be responsible for the keeping and periodic reporting of city record books. The City Clerk shall be the chief election officer for the city, and shall conduct all city elections in accord with the election laws of West Virginia.
3. The City Finance Manager shall assist the Common Council and the City Manager to supervise all city financial affairs and the annual audit of city fiscal records, and shall serve as Assessor of the value of properties for city tax purposes.
4. The City Attorney shall conduct city legal business, in accord with policies established by the Common Council, and shall advise the Mayor, Council, and City Manager on all legal matters pertaining to the city.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)
The Common Council may, by ordinance, define the duties of all appointed municipal officers and employees and allow them reasonable compensation, and shall require from all those whose duty it is to receive funds, assets or property, or have charge of the same, such bonds as they shall deem necessary or proper to ensure the faithful performance of their said duties. All officers and employees appointed by Council shall hold their office or appointment at the will and pleasure of the Common Council, but no appointee shall hold beyond the current year for which he shall have been appointed without being reappointed by the Council.
(Ord. passed 1-18-2002)