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Waterloo, IA Code of Ordinances
Waterloo, IA Traffic Code
Signs shall not be located with less than six feet (6') horizontal or twelve feet (12') vertical clearance from overhead electric conductors which are energized in excess of seven hundred fifty (750) volts. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)
   A.   All supports of pole signs shall be placed upon private property and pole signs shall have at least a ten foot (10') vertical clearance wherever they project over public property.
   B.   Pole signs may not project over public property more than ten feet (10'), or more than three-fourths (3/4) the distance to the curb line, whichever is less. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)
   A.   Ground signs shall not project over public property or beyond a building line.
   B.   Each ground sign and the immediate surrounding premises shall be maintained by the owner of the sign in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition, and kept free and clear of all noxious substances, rubbish and weeds. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)
   A.   Roof signs shall be thoroughly secured and anchored to the frame of the building over which they are constructed and erected.
   B.   A passage, clear of all obstructions, shall be left under or around and immediately adjacent to all roof signs exceeding a height of four feet (4') above the roof under the roof sign. The passages shall be not less than three feet (3') wide and four feet (4') high, and shall be at parapet or roof level.
   C.   Passages or access openings required by subsection B of this section shall be required as follows:
      1.   Minimum Number: One passage for each roof sign upon a building.
      2.   Horizontal Extension: One passage for every fifty (50) lineal feet of horizontal roof sign extension.
      3.   Proximity To Walls: One passage within twenty feet (20') of walls and parapets when roof signs are at right angles to a face of the building.
   D.   The height of the roof sign above the roof must be no more than two and one-half (21/2) times the height of the building above the ground, and in no case exceed seventy five feet (75') above the roof line. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)
   A.   Wall signs shall project not more than twenty four inches (24") and the area parallel with the building shall project not more than fifteen inches (15").
   B.   Wall signs shall not extend more than twelve inches (12") above the highest point of parapet or roof of the supporting building.
   C.   Wall signs shall maintain the following minimum vertical clearances where they project over:
      1.   Alleys: Minimum of fourteen feet (14').
      2.   Public Property: Minimum of eight feet (8'). (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968; amd. Ord. 3920, 2-1-1993)
   A.   Projecting signs may not project over public property beyond ten feet (10') or more than three-fourths (3/4) the distance to the curb line, whichever is less; and they may not project into a public alley or public parking lot.
   B.   Projecting signs must be no larger in size than two (2) square feet for each lineal front foot from the location of the sign to the nearest property line, down to a minimum of forty (40) square feet. This rule does not apply in cases where signs do not project more than forty eight inches (48"), in which case there is no minimum square footage.
   C.   Projecting signs shall maintain the following minimum vertical clearances where they project over:
      1.   Alleys: Minimum of fourteen feet (14').
      2.   Public Property: Minimum of eight feet (8'). (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968; amd. Ord. 3920, 2-1-1993)
   A.   Marquee signs may not exceed fifteen inches (15") in depth or six feet (6') in height, unless the marquee itself is higher, in which case they may extend to the height of the marquee.
   B.   Marquee signs may project the same distance as the marquee, even though this may exceed the rule for projecting signs, though they may not extend to closer than two feet (2') of the curb. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)
   A.   Flashing incandescent lamps shall not exceed a sixty (60) watt level, unless protected by a sun screen. Reflector lamps must have sun screens except for indirect floodlighting.
   B.   There shall be no flashing of all elements simultaneously on an electric sign, or any flashing effect which could be misconstrued as a traffic-control device. Revolving beacons are prohibited.
   C.   Electric signs must bear a statement of power consumption.
   D.   All electrical wiring to permanent signs shall be underground and enclosed in the structure or raceway, or said wiring shall meet the requirements of the utility company if installed overhead.
   E.   No exposed electric wire connected to a temporary or portable sign shall exceed ten feet (10') in length, and it shall be wired directly to the sign and shall be of a size equal to the computed load.
   F.   All electric connections to any sign whether permanent, portable or temporary shall be done by a licensed electrician according to the National Electrical Code. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968; amd. Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979; Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984)
   A.   No temporary sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. Temporary signs of rigid material shall not exceed twenty four (24) square feet in area, or six feet (6') in height, nor shall any such sign be fastened to the ground.
   B.   Temporary signs may remain in place for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days.
   C.   Temporary signs, other than cloth, when eight feet (8') or more above the ground, may project not more than six inches (6") over public property or beyond the building line.
   D.   Portable signs, whether on wheels, chassis or frame, and whether licensed by the motor vehicle department or not, with either fixed or changeable letters, must meet all the requirements of all the sections of this chapter or any other city ordinances.
      1.   Portable signs shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height above the surrounding grade nor more than twelve feet (12') in length.
      2.   Portable signs shall not remain on any one property or location for a period exceeding sixty (60) days at any one time.
      3.   A portable sign shall not be placed on a property more than ninety (90) days in any one calendar year. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968; amd. Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979; Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984)