Whenever the building official shall find signs, advertising, displays or any other materials or articles on public or private property in violation of any provision of this code or other city ordinance or any law, he may remove such sign or he shall report his findings to the superintendent of streets who shall pick up, or cause such materials or articles to be picked up, and stored at the city garage, where the owner of the materials or articles may claim them by paying the sum of twenty five dollars ($25.00) to cover the costs incurred by the city. (Rev. Ord. 2087, Comp. 1941, p. P-8a; Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984)
No sign shall be permitted anywhere in the city which, in the opinion of the building official, does not accurately or fairly represent the services or products advertised on such sign, and which is likely to mislead the general public who rely upon the information contained on the sign. (Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979)
   A.   No freestanding off-premises outdoor advertising structure, poster panel, billboard, permanent paint or rotary paint unit shall exceed a maximum height of forty feet (40') from surrounding grade level of the arterial the unit faces. This includes the message area, cutouts, embellishments and extensions.
   B.   No roof or wall mounted off-premises outdoor advertising structure, poster panel, billboard, permanent paint or rotary paint unit shall exceed a maximum of twenty two feet (22') above the roof line. This includes the message area, cutouts, embellishments and extensions.
   C.   No off-premises outdoor advertising structure, poster panel, billboard, permanent paint or rotary paint unit shall have a prime copy or message larger than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet. The embellishment, trim and skirting area are not to exceed an additional two hundred fifty (250) square feet.
   D.   No off-premises outdoor advertising structure, poster panel, billboard, permanent paint or rotary paint unit exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet shall be permitted within three hundred fifty feet (350') of any other off-premises advertising structure located on the same side of an arterial when facing the same directional traffic flow. (Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979)
   A.   Enforcement: The building official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Penalty: Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a municipal infraction; and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted; and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be fined as provided in subsection 1-3-2C of this code. (Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979; amd. 2001 Code)
9-6A-1: Permits Required; Exceptions
9-6A-2: Application For Permit
9-6A-3: Permit Fees
9-6A-4: Tag Issued With Permit; Display
9-6A-5: Liability Insurance
   A.   Permit Required: No sign, permanent or portable, shall be painted, constructed, erected, re-erected, moved or altered except as provided by this chapter, and until a permit therefor has been issued by the building official.
   B.   Exceptions To Permit: The following signs and sign work shall not require a sign permit:
      1.   The repair, repainting or cleaning of the sign or changing of the advertising copy or message thereon.
      2.   A temporary job sign or a sign erected on a construction site, which does not exceed thirty two (32) square feet in area, which shall be immediately removed upon completion of the project.
      3.   Real estate sign which does not exceed nine (9) square feet and which advertises either the sale or rental of the property on which the sign is placed. Only one such sign per real estate office or frontage shall be placed on a property at any one time.
      4.   A sign stating the name and profession of the occupant of the property on which the sign is located, which size shall not exceed one square foot in area.
      5.   A wall sign not exceeding two and one-half (21/2) square feet in area.
      6.   Signs that are an integral part of the building.
      7.   One ground sign which denotes a new subdivision and is placed at the entrance of said subdivision. Said sign shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet and shall be promptly removed when seventy five percent (75%) of the lots are sold.
      8.   All political signs which comply with Iowa Code chapter 306C.22.
      9.   Temporary signs.
These exceptions shall not be construed as to relieve the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection, maintenance and full compliance of the provisions of this chapter or any other law, provisions of this code or any other city ordinance regulating signs.
   C.   Exceptions To Bond: The following signs and sign work shall require a sign permit, but will not require a bond or bonded sign erector to install: a sign which is fastened flat to any exterior wall as provided by subsection 9-6B-2E of this chapter, and that is not electric, does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) in valuation and does not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968; amd. Ord. 2521, 3-16-1970; Ord. 3020, 4-9-1979; Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984; Ord. 3410, 10-21-1985; Ord. 3587, 10-10-1988)
Application for a permit required by this article shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the building official. The application shall contain the location by street and number of the proposed sign structure, as well as the name and address of the owner and the sign contractor or erector. The building official may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information where in his opinion such information is necessary to insure compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 2447, 1-22-1968)