9-3-1: Title
9-3-2: Purpose And Scope
9-3-3: Definitions
9-3-4: Rules Of Construction
9-3-5: National Electrical Code Adoption
9-3-6: National Electrical Code Amendments
9-3-7: 2017 NEC Annex H Amendments
9-3-8: Penalty; Abatement Of Violations
9-3-9: Applicability Of Chapter To Existing Buildings
9-3-10: Moved Buildings
9-3-11: Disclaimer
9-3-12: Liability Of Electrical Inspector
9-3-13: Reserved
9-3-14: Unlawful Connections
9-3-15: Inspection Of Wiring Required Prior To Installation Of Meter
9-3-16: Alteration Of Identification Or Rating Markings
9-3-17: Conflict Of Interest
It is the purpose of this chapter to adopt an Electrical Code by reference, including provisions for the inspection and regulation of electrical installation, issuance of permits, the collection of fees, and to provide penalties for violations of this chapter in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to and govern all uses, installations, alterations, repairs, removals, renewals, replacements, connections, disconnections, and maintenance of all electrical equipment within the City of Waterloo, Iowa. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
APPEAL BOARD: The Board created in section 9-3-7 of this chapter.
APPROVED BY THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: Found by the inspector to comply with the requirements of this chapter and, in the absence of such requirements, found by the inspector to be safe in respect to life and property as measured by the standards established in this chapter and the National Electrical Code and National Fire Protection Association standards.
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING: Undertaking, or offering to undertake, the planning and installation of electrical systems and equipment and the employment, management, supervision and control of electricians and apprentice electricians doing electrical work.
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Any person responsible for the activity of planning, or supervising electricians and apprentices doing electrical wiring, work, or equipment installations and connections to apparatus, which is or will be connected to an electric light and power source.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: All electrical materials, wiring, conductors, fittings, conduits, devices, appliances, fixtures, signs and apparatus or parts thereof comprising an electrical system or control of such system.
ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE WORK: The repair of the existing electrical equipment, or limited replacement and extensions of branch circuits as determined by the chief electrical inspector.
ELECTRICAL WORK: All installations, alterations, repairs, removals, replacements, disturbances, connections, disconnections and maintenance of wiring and electrical equipment, or control of any of the above, over twenty five (25) volts, and wiring systems through, or by which is conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, electrical current in, above, or under any building, structure, tent, or premises, public, or privately owned, in the City of Waterloo, Iowa.
ELECTRICIAN: Any person doing electrical work for an electrical contractor.
EXAMINING BOARD: The board created in section 9-3-7 of this chapter.
LICENSED OR QUALIFIED PERSON: Any person who has been examined and licensed by the Examining Board and has its approval to install, remove, alter or make additions to any electrical work in the City.
SHALL: That the act to be performed is mandatory. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017)