9-7-1: Title
9-7-2: Purpose
9-7-3: Definitions
9-7-4: Landlord License Requirement
9-7-5: Rental Unit Permit
9-7-6: Denial, Suspension, Revocation Or Nonrenewal
9-7-7: Inspections Required
9-7-8: Defense In Equity
9-7-9: Owner And Tenant Responsibilities
9-7-10: Housing Appeals Board
9-7-11: Appeals
9-7-12: Violation; Penalty
9-7-13:    Severability
9-7-1: TITLE:
This chapter shall be known as the WATERLOO RENTAL HOUSING CODE and shall be cited as the rental housing code. (Ord. 5650, 6-20-2022)
9-7-2: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the use, occupancy, location and maintenance of all residential buildings and structures for rental within this jurisdiction, and to establish a program of regular rental inspections. (Ord. 5650, 6-20-2022)
When used in this chapter, the following terms and words shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
DWELLING: Any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a place for human residence, including sleeping quarters and bathroom or kitchen facilities. A dwelling includes but is not limited to a duplex, multiple dwelling, condominium, dwelling unit, rooming unit, trailers, mobile homes or sleeping units.
LANDLORD: The owner of a rental unit. Landlord is also referred to in this chapter as owner, operator, licensee and applicant.
LICENSING OFFICER: The Waterloo city clerk or designee(s).
RENT: Payment of money, goods, labor, service, use, utilities, or other benefit to the property owner, for the utilization of a rental unit as a dwelling.
RENTAL UNIT: Any dwelling or portion thereof which is not eligible for the Iowa homestead credit for property tax purposes, and is not the domicile of the owner of the property.
RESPONSIBLE LOCAL AGENT: A designated agent of a landlord, including a property manager, who is responsible for fulfilling the landlord's duties with regard to landlord's rental units. Also referred to herein as an agent.
(Ord. 5650, 6-20-2022)