(a) That the City Council is hereby authorized to establish parking areas known as City Hall Lot adjacent to City Hall and City Hall Annex Lot adjacent to City Hall Annex. (Ord. #3360, 8/20/84)
(b) The above parking areas shall be used strictly by city personnel.
(c) Each vehicle parking in one of the above lots shall have a sticker issued by the City of Waterloo designating an assigned parking space.
(d) Any stickered vehicle parking in a space not designated for that vehicle shall be considered in violation and will be subject to a six dollar ($6.00) fine for restricted parking. (Ord. #4002, 1/18/94)
(e) Any non-stickered vehicle parking in one of the lots under this ordinance shall be subject to a five dollar ($5.00) restricted parking fine, and the city shall have authority to tow such non-stickered vehicle at the owner's expense.
('91 Rev.)
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the following parking regulations shall apply on the street in front of the main airport terminal at the Waterloo Municipal Airport:
(a) No parking along the south side of the road. This lane shall remain a through lane.
(b) The north side of the road, which is the closest to the main airport terminal, shall be a drop-off zone only. Under no circumstances may a vehicle be left unattended in the drop-off zone. Unattended means that the driver of the vehicle shall, at all times, be in or around the vehicle, may not exit the vehicle other than to drop off persons and/or baggage at the drop-off zone, and thereafter shall immediately move the vehicle from the drop-off zone.
(c) Any vehicle left unattended in the drop-off zone shall be subject to a fine and the vehicle(s) may be immediately towed at the owner’s sole expense.
(d) Only the following persons shall be authorized to enforce this section: police officers of the Waterloo Police Department, Waterloo Fire Rescue personnel assigned to the Waterloo Municipal Airport, security personnel employed by the Waterloo Airport Board, the Airport Director, and the Assistant Airport Director.
(e) A violation of this section shall be a municipal infraction and punishable by a fine of not less than nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
(Ord. #4373, 7/19/99; Ord. #4440, 10/2/00; Ord. #4522, 10/22/01)