General Provisions
122.01 Policy
122.02 Definitions
122.03 Plan review and pre-operation inspections
Permit Requirements
122.20 Permits
122.21 Inspections
122.22 Permit suspension
122.23 Permit revocation/nonrenewal
122.24 Permit reinstatement
122.25 Service of notices or orders
Conditions; Sanitation
122.40 Sanitation
122.41 Prohibited equipment and products
122.42 Operators, licensed personnel, nail technicians and other personnel
122.43 Equipment and facilities
122.44 Sleeping quarters
122.45 Towels
122.46 Neck protection and capes
122.47 Headrest cover
122.48 Cosmetics
122.49 Sanitation of equipment and implements
122.50 Hygiene of operators
122.51 Smoking prohibited
122.52 Food and beverages
122.53 Animals, pets, reptiles or birds
122.54 Hours of operation
122.55 Barbershop or hairdressing and/or cosmetology shop in residence
122.56 Technical standards
122.57 Material safety data sheets
122.58 Notification of provisions and effective date