General Provisions
51.01 Regulations furnished upon application
51.02 Application required
51.03 Location of applicant
51.04 List of equipment to be provided upon application
51.05 Service wires to be accessible
51.06 Wiring requirements; meter installation
51.07 Right of access; consumer to pay cost of repairs
51.08 Interruptions of service
51.09 Additions to equipment prohibited
51.10 Town not liable for damages which result from consumer's wiring or appliances
51.11 Consumer to notify town in case of defect or accident
51.12 Fluctuations and disturbances in system prohibited
51.13 Motor requirements
51.14 Discontinuance of service
51.15 Electric utility removed from jurisdiction of Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
Rates and Charges
51.24 Electric connection charges
51.25 Residential service rates
51.26 Commercial service rates
51.27 Power service rates
51.28 Municipal service rates
51.29 Municipal street lighting service
51.30 Rates for security lighting
51.31 Rate adjustment
51.32 Fuel cost adjustment
51.33 Billing
51.34 Service re- establishment charge
51.35 Bad check charge
51.36 Meter deposit
Cross Reference:
Rate Stabilization Fund, § 33.02
Upon receipt of an application for current, the town will at once ascertain the location of the premises upon which service is requested as related to the location of the town's lines, and, if it is impossible to furnish service without an extension, the applicant will be notified and the terms upon which service can be rendered to him will be stated.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.D.)
Before wiring his house or purchasing any electrical equipment, the consumer should present to the town, in writing, a list of devices which are to be attached to the town's lines and give the location of his buildings, and the town will advise the style, voltage and description of the current it will furnish.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.E.)
Consumers are required to bring out their service wires to be readily accessible to the town's lines and in such manner that all wiring furnished by the town will be in plain view from the street or alley. The inside wiring must extend 18 inches beyond the building for the town to attach its wires thereto.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.F.)
(A) The consumer shall provide, free of expense to the town, a suitable place for the meter or meters or other appliances.
(B) All service and entrance wires must be enclosed in iron conduit from point of entrance to building to the meter, and must be equipped with an entrance fuse and switch to protect the meter and other equipment in the building, same to be enclosed in a steel cabinet box of approved pattern and conduit and box to be grounded with not less than No. 10 copper wire.
(C) No service wire shall be smaller than No. 10B. & S. gauge from point of entrance to meter.
(D) All meters must be installed in the following manner: Meter must be located outside of building or in such place where it can be read without having to keep a key to get to it. This must be done unless circumstances make it impossible to do otherwise. All meters must be not more than seven feet above the floor and not less than five feet above the floor.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.G.)
(E) The town will own, furnish, and maintain the meter or meters and the consumer must have loops left in the wiring suitable for their connection.
(F) All wiring should be inspected and approved by a competent electric inspector before application is made to have the current turned on. This is necessary for the protection of the consumer, as the town is not responsible for any defect of the wiring or devices on the consumer's premises.
(G) Every job of wiring or repairs involving a change should also be inspected and a certificate obtained therefor.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.H.)
(A) Right of access. The authorized agents or employees of the town shall have free access at all reasonable hours to the premises of the consumer for the purpose of installing, testing, reading, replacing, removing or disposing of meters or any property of the town situated thereon.
(B) Consumer to pay cost of repairs. In the event of any loss or damage to the property of the town caused or arising from negligence of, or misuse by, the consumer or other unauthorized parties, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacement shall be paid by the consumer to the town.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.I.)
The town will use reasonable diligence in providing a regular and uninterrupted supply of current, but in the event the supply of current should be interrupted or fail by reason of accident, strike, legal process, state or municipal interference, extraordinary repairs, or for any other cause, the town shall not be held liable for damages because of such interruption or failure.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.J.)
The service connection transformers, meters, and appliances supplied by the town for each consumer have definite capacity, and to prevent damage thereto, no additions to the equipment of the consumer will be allowed except by consent of the town.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.K.) Penalty, see § 10.99
The town shall not be liable to the consumer for any loss, injury, or damage which may result from the wiring or appliances of the consumer, or from the use of the service of the town or from the connection of town's wires with consumer's wires and appliances.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.L.)
(A) Electric current must not be used in such manner as to cause unprovided fluctuations or disturbances in the town's distributing system.
(B) In case of violation of this rule, service may be discontinued.
('83 Code, § 4-1 I.N.) Penalty, see § 10.99