A. No "temporary sign" as defined in this title shall be erected without being authorized by this title and the approval of the city inspector or designated agent. Where an application for a temporary sign permit has been denied by the city inspector or designated agent, the applicant may appeal to the city council. The city council shall have the authority to review the application and will either grant or deny a permit. No appeal shall be heard unless the applicant files the appeal with the city clerk within thirty (30) days of being denied by the city inspector or designated agent.
B. Permits for temporary signs shall authorize the erection of said sign and their maintenance for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. The total area of any sign to be erected and displayed per permit shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. The fee for the permit shall be ten dollars ($10.00) plus two dollars ($2.00) per square foot. A two (2) faced sign is permitted and will not "double" the cost. No more than four (4) temporary sign permits shall be allowed per property parcel per business per calendar year.
C. The following temporary signs are permitted:
1. Framed banners: The retaining of a licensed contractor to erect a temporary sign for which a permit has been granted shall not be required, however the following erecting requirements remain:
a. Setback is to be fifteen feet (15') from the curb or outside the right of way, whichever is greater.
b. Steel, or aluminum or other metal poles must be used when erecting temporary signs.
c. Signs and poles must be removed when the temporary ten (10) day sign permit has expired.
d. Temporary signs are not permitted on buildings, fences, or other structures except those allowed under the new business exceptions below.
2. Official governmental notices and notices posted by governmental officers or agents in the performance of their duties, governmental signs to control traffic or any other regulatory purposes, or to warn of hazardous conditions. No permit shall be required.
3. The official flag, pennant, or insignia of the United States Of America, the state of Oklahoma, or the city of Warr Acres. No permit shall be required.
4. Temporary decorations or displays, when such are clearly incidental to, customarily and commonly associated with, and intended as part of any official national, state, or local holiday or celebration, and not used in connection with or intended as a commercial promotion or as an advertising device. No permit shall be required.
5. Temporary signs erected by public utility companies or construction companies to warn of danger or hazardous conditions, including signs indicating the presence of underground cables, gas lines, and the like. No permit shall be required.
6. Merchandise, pictures, signs, banners, models, or similar device or display which is incorporated as an integral part and within the confines of a window display. No permit shall be required.
7. Temporary political signs, from the date of filing for office until two (2) days after the election(s) that:
a. Do not extend over twenty four inches (24") above the ground.
b. Are at least three feet (3') from the curb.
c. Do not obstruct the view of drivers on adjoining streets or roadways.
No permit shall be required.
Temporary political signs that are larger than five hundred (500) square inches in size and/or extend over twenty four inches (24") above the ground are prohibited.
D. Exceptions for new businesses:
1. All new businesses shall be granted, in addition to their permanent business sign permit at no additional charge, a forty five (45) day temporary permit to remain erected while the permanent sign is being constructed.
2. A temporary sign is allowed to be erected on a building in the place of the permanent sign that is being constructed but shall be removed within the forty five (45) days or within ten (10) days of the completion of the permanent sign whichever is greater. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
A. No temporary sign shall extend over or into any alley, street, sidewalk, or public thoroughfare and/or a distance greater than four inches (4") from the wall upon which it is erected.
B. No temporary sign shall be placed or project over any wall opening. (Ord. 1147, 2015)