15.06.010: General Terms
15.06.010: GENERAL TERMS:
The following terms and words contained in this title are defined as follows:
ACCESSORY SIGN: Any advertising device which identifies or displays information concerning the proprietor or the business conducted on the premises.
ATTACHED SIGN: An accessory sign attached to, or in any other way represented on a building or the structural element of a building. Attached signs shall include canopy sign, combination sign, fascia sign, marquee sign, module sign, parapet wall sign, projecting sign, roof sign and wall sign.
CANOPY OR AWNING: A fixed shelter of any material and of any length projecting from a building and supported by columns or posts from the ground, or a freestanding shelter supported by columns or posts from the ground.
CANOPY SIGN: An accessory sign painted on or attached to the vertical side of, or erected on the roof surface of, a canopy.
COMBINATION SIGN: Any single accessory sign incorporating any combination of the features of the projecting, parapet wall, canopy, wall, fascia and marquee signs.
DIGITAL ELECTRONIC DISPLAY BOARD: An LCD, LED, silver screen, or other type of sign display that can be electronically manipulated from a local or remote source.
DIRECTIONAL AND INFORMATION SIGN: Any sign which directs attention to the location of a facility or group of facilities on the same property on which the sign is located or which display brand name information as herein provided. Such signs may include entrance and exit signs, restroom signs, license or permit information signs and other similar groups. This also shall include the following specific signs: telephone booth or service signs, brand name on petroleum products pumps or other dispensing apparatus located outside of buildings, identification and informational signs on public utility apparatus, U.S. Postal Service signs on postal apparatus.
DISPLAY SURFACE: The surface of the sign upon, against or through which the message is displayed or illustrated.
DISPLAY SURFACE AREA COMPUTATION OF SIGN AREA: The area of a sign shall be measured in conformance with the following regulations:
A. In computing the area of a sign, standard mathematical formulas for common regular geometric shapes (triangle, parallelogram, circle and ellipse, or combinations thereof) shall be used.
B. In the case of an irregularly shaped sign or a sign with letters and/or symbols directly affixed to the wall of a building, the area of the sign shall be the entire area within a single continuous rectilinear perimeter of not more than eight (8) straight lines enclosing the extreme limits or writing, representation, emblem or any figure of similar character, together with any material or color forming an integral part or background of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the backdrop or structure against which it is placed.
C. That portion of the sign structure which is visible and viewed in the same plane as the sign face, and which is made an integral part or background of the display, shall be included in computing the total sign area.
D. The total surface area of multiple-unit signs shall include the vertical and horizontal spacing between the letters which comprise the word or words that convey the sign's message.
E. Where three-dimensional figures are used as signs, the area shall be the total area, as projected on a vertical plane, of each side of the figure. For purposes of this regulation, a figure shall be considered to have not less than one nor more than four (4) sides and be determined by the intended location and visibility of the figure.
All riders or attachments to signs or sign structures (whether temporary or permanent) shall be included as part of the total sign area for the sign to which they are attached.
ELECTRIFIED SIGN: A sign structure or part of a sign structure that contains electrical components including, but not limited to, ballasts, transformers, light bulbs, neon tubes that use electricity to operate, whether line voltage or battery powered.
EXPOSED POLE SIGN: (Prohibited) Any pole signs in which the support pole(s) or beam(s) are exposed.
FASCIA: A continuous translucent panel illuminated from within which may extend around one or more corners, and is designed as a part of the building.
FASCIA SIGN: A wall, canopy or parapet wall sign attached to or printed on a fascia surface. Unless specifically provided in this title, a fascia sign shall be subject to the standards covering the type of sign it represents.
FREESTANDING SIGN: An accessory sign which is attached to or a part of a completely self-supporting structure. The supporting structure is not attached to any building or any other structure, and is anchored firmly to or below the ground surface. (See also definitions of ground sign, improved pole sign, exposed pole sign and pole mounted sign.)
GROUND SIGN: A type of freestanding, low profile monument style accessory sign that incorporates the design or theme of the primary building and use of the property, which is secured to a fixed base, usually masonry, whereas the base of such sign shall be at least fifty percent (50%) of the dimension of the width of the sign at the widest point of the structure.
ILLUMINATED SIGN: Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, or outlines illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes whether such sources of illumination are a part of a sign or not.
ILLUMINATION, DIRECT: Illumination which is performed by electrical apparatus from within the sign structure or which is otherwise a part of the sign structure.
ILLUMINATION, INDIRECT: Illumination which is performed by spotlights or other lighting devices and which is not a part of the sign proper.
ILLUMINATION, INTERMITTENT: A directly or indirectly illuminated sign, message, lighting or frame or portion thereof that exhibits changing light or color effect by any means at intervals of less than eight (8) seconds. Examples include illumination that changes light color intensity in transitory bursts, illumination that creates the illusion of light changes by streaming, graphic bursts showing movement, or any mode of lighting which resembles zooming, twinkling, or sparkling.
IMPROVED POLE SIGN: Any pole sign whereas the supporting pole(s) or beam(s) are covered with an approved material making the base and riser section of the sign with a minimum thirty percent (30%) width of the sign face.
INFLATABLE SIGNS: (Prohibited) Portable or fixed mannequins, characters, dummies, or other shapes that are inflated by any method with any type of gas that may or may not contain or include logos, text or any other insignia designed to attract attention.
MARQUEE: A permanent, fixed roof attached to, wholly supported by and projecting from a building.
MARQUEE SIGN: An attached accessory sign painted on or attached to the vertical side of, or erected on the roof surface of, a marquee.
MEMORIAL SIGN: A nonaccessory structure, sign or item to commemorate the loss of a loved one, including, but not restricted to, flowers, silk flowers, crosses, candles, placards, signs or other religious, nonreligious or spiritual memorabilia. This sign can in no way display information pertaining to goods, services, or entertainment offered by a business.
MURAL: A painting or work of art directly painted on a wall or other structure including streets, sidewalks, fences or buildings. Depictions shall not contain words, logos, emblems, trademarks or other similar depictions. Allowed only in Warr Acres Town Center Cultural District and contains no advertising message.
NONACCESSORY SIGN (BILLBOARD): A sign or advertising device which directs attention to an activity, service or product sold or offered elsewhere than on the premises on which the sign is located.
PAINTED GRAFFITI SIGN: (Prohibited) All signs, writings, drawings, inscriptions, figures or marks of paint, ink, chalk, dye or other similar substance on public or private buildings, sidewalks, streets, structures and fences including drawings, writings, markings or inscriptions regardless of the content or nature of materials.
PARAPET WALL: That part of any wall which extends through or above the roofline.
PARAPET WALL SIGN: An accessory sign erected on the top surface of a parapet.
POLE MOUNTED SIGN: A type of freestanding accessory sign supported by uprights or braces placed upon or into the ground and detached from any building intended to identify an aggregate commercial or industrial use of property, or a primary use which is the sole occupant of a building or property.
PORTABLE SIGN: (Prohibited) Any sign ordinarily but not necessarily supported on a base, wheels, skids or vehicles and which is in no way attached or affixed to the ground or other structure or object.
PROJECTING SIGN: An accessory sign which projects from and which has one end attached to a building, and which does not employ ground support in any manner.
ROOF SIGN: An attached accessory sign designed to permit, but not necessarily be limited to, the erection of a shield, symbol, or similar trademark or brand name. Such sign shall be located immediately and entirely over the roof of a building and attached to a wall or pylon or similar physical support that is part of the physical and architectural design of the building. This definition shall apply only to a building of six (6) stories or less in height. Roof signs permitted only in C-4 and C-5 Zones.
SIGHT TRIANGLE: A clear area created by an equal measure of distance in either direction from intersecting street right-of- way lines, or the intersection of a street right-of-way line and the edge of a driveway or alley, within which no object shall be erected or otherwise placed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
SIGN: Any structure or part thereof, or any device permanently or temporarily attached to, painted on, supported by or represented on a building, fence, post or other structure which is used or intended to be used to attract attention. The term "sign" shall not include a flag, pennant, or insignia of any nation, state or city.
SIGN STRUCTURE (FREESTANDING): The entire sign assembly including all building and construction materials from the point at which the structure meets the ground and above. The sign structure shall be calculated by using the following methods:
A. A sign structure eighteen inches (18") in depth or less with a maximum of two (2) advertising sides shall be calculated by enclosing the perimeter of the structure (starting at the point where the structure meets the ground) within a rectilinear geometric figure which encloses the extreme limits of the structure and measuring the area within the perimeter and multiply the sum by two (2).
B. A sign structure greater than eighteen inches (18") in depth or contains three (3) or more advertising sides shall be calculated by enclosing the perimeter of the structure (starting at the point where the structure meets the ground) within a cubical geometric figure which encloses the extreme limits of the structure and measuring the area within the cubical perimeter and multiply the sum by two (2) or the number of advertising sides whichever is greater.
TEMPORARY SIGN: Any sign, banner, pennant, valance, balloon, animate or inanimate facsimile or model, such as mannequins, dummies, figurines, including other items placed outside a business structure meant to attract attention to the business with or without any message, logo, symbol, etc., or similar device or display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wood, wallboard, or other light materials, with or without frames, which is intended to be displayed or used for a short period of time only and in connection with and for the purpose of a commercial promotion or as an advertising device.
WALL SIGN: An accessory sign painted on or attached to the wall or surface of a building or fence with a display surface which is parallel to the supporting surface.
WIND SIGN: (Prohibited) A sign with or without text, lettering, logo or any other type of insignia including banners, streamers, pennants, string flags that attract attention by moving freely in the wind.
WINDOW SIGN: An accessory sign located on the interior of a display window. (Ord. 1170, 2016)