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Warr Acres Overview
Warr Acres, OK Code of Ordinance
15.04.020: COMPLIANCE:
Except as otherwise provided in this title, it is unlawful and an offense for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, establish, maintain or permit to exist in the city any signs, signboards, billboards, bulletin boards, message boards, graffiti, murals or any other device for advertising or artistic purposes, regardless of the manner in which the display is accomplished. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
It is unlawful for any person to erect, structurally alter, construct, establish, or permit to exist within the city any sign or other advertising structure, as defined in this title, without first obtaining a permit from the city clerk and making payment of the fee required unless the regulations for such sign contained specifically exempt the permit requirement. In addition, all illuminated signs shall be subject to the provisions of the electrical code, and the inspection and permit fees required thereunder. No person other than a duly authorized contractor shall be issued such required permit. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that all sign structures located on their property be maintained in a proper manner conducive to the health, welfare and beauty of the city of Warr Acres and to comply with the ordinances of the city. While property owners may authorize tenants to erect and pay for signs, this shall not relieve the owner of the property of their responsibility to ultimately be in compliance with this code.
A.   Regular maintenance of all legally permitted signs shall be permitted without the requirement that a new permit be issued.
B.   The message or advertising copy of a sign may be altered, including replacement of sign panels, without obtaining a permit, provided that there are no structural or electrical alterations or additions.
C.   Upon the closing, relocation or eviction of a business with an existing sign, the property owner must, within ninety (90) days, update the sign in one of the following manners:
   1.   Cover or replace sign face with a suitable, similar material, resulting in a blank sign face. The sign may be updated to indicate that the location is for lease or for sale provided the sign copy is constructed of similar material.
   2.   Remove the sign structure and/or module completely.
   3.   Once the sign face has been covered or replaced or the sign structure has been removed following the closing, relocation or eviction of a business, a new permit shall be required to install a new sign or sign face.
D.   All sign structures must be maintained in a condition that is aesthetically appealing and stylistically cohesive with the area and neighboring businesses and signs. All cracks, dents, splits or chipped material as well as any rust, chips and cracked or faded paint (including faded or weather damaged sign copies) must be repaired.
E.   Backlit or front lit lighting for signs must be maintained at least seventy five percent (75%) of original illumination when lit. Signs with less than seventy five percent (75%) of illumination must be repaired to comply with the seventy five percent (75%) illumination or may be disconnected or switched off to maintain compliance until maintenance is completed.
F.   Signs and structures which contain a condition which is in violation of any provision listed herein must be repaired or covered within sixty (60) days of receipt of notice of a violation from the city unless the condition was caused by an act of God at which point the owner will be provided with one hundred twenty (120) days to repair or cover the condition. In the event that the owner (or tenant with owner's permission) wishes to repair or replace the violating condition with a new structure or material not originally approved by the city, the owner (or tenant with owner's permission) will apply for a new sign permit. The new permit will be processed but any denial thereof shall not be construed as revoking the original sign permit. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
Application for a sign erection permit shall be made upon forms provided by the city clerk and shall contain and have attached thereto the following information:
A.   Name, address and telephone number of the applicant. The applicant must be the owner of the property but the owner may execute a delegation of application authority form provided by the city delegating their application authority only to a tenant or other representative;
B.   Location of building, structure or lot, including the legal description of the property to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected;
C.   Position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures;
D.   Two (2) blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. Information shall also be furnished showing the weight of such sign and any attachments to such sign. Additionally, one set of plans will be submitted showing all of the following:
   1.   A site plan/survey signed by a surveyor or engineer licensed by the state of Oklahoma within the last two (2) years showing scaled dimensions of street centerline(s), property boundaries, building(s), existing sign(s) and the location of the proposed sign. No portion of the proposed sign may hang over any public rights of way. The proposed sign must meet minimum clearance from any power lines as required by the owner of said power lines;
   2.   Elevation detail of proposed sign with dimensions;
   3.   Construction details with the proposed sign's structural members signed by an engineer licensed by the state of Oklahoma;
   4.   Anchor or footing detail with dimensions and load calculations/reactions signed by an engineer licensed by the state of Oklahoma;
   5.   Information contained on the sign; and
   6.   Simulation drawing of sign with illumination details if applicable.
E.   Name of the person, firm, corporation or association erecting the structure;
F.   If, in the judgment of the building inspector, further information is required to show safe and proper construction of the sign and the erection of the sign, evidence must be presented by the applicant to show substantial and safe construction thereof;
G.   Such other information as the building inspector shall require to show full compliance with this title and all other laws and ordinances of the city including, but not limited to, proof of current city business license and all additional licenses required by the state of Oklahoma including a permit for the collection and remittance of sales and use tax to the Oklahoma tax commission where applicable. Permits issued to a business for a sign advertising for that business shall be automatically suspended and subject to revocation in the event the business license for said business expires, is suspended or revoked. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
It shall be the duty of the building inspector, upon the filing of an application for a sign erection permit, to examine such plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign or other advertising structure, and if it appears that the proposed structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this title and all other laws of the city, he shall then approve issuance of the sign erection permit. If the work authorized under a sign erection permit has not been completed within six (6) months after the date of issuance, the permit shall become null and void. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
15.04.070: FEES FOR PERMITS:
There is levied a schedule of fees for permits to erect signs and similar overhanging structures, the amounts of which are set out as follows:
Legally nonconforming nonaccessory sign (billboard), placements and structures
$200.00 annual permit fee
Inspection of all signs
$20.00 plus $10.00 reinspection
Accessory sign
Accessory sign, per square foot area
Temporary sign
Temporary sign, per square foot area
Sign face change
(Ord. 1147, 2015)
The building inspector is authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued by the city upon failure of the holder thereof to comply with any provision of this title. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
All signs or other advertising structures in which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall be inspected by the building inspector. The inspector shall also examine all of the plans and specifications respecting all wiring and all connections to determine if the same comply with the electrical code of the city. The inspector shall then approve the application for permit if the plans and specifications comply with the electrical code, or disapprove the application for permit if noncompliance with the electrical code is found. This action shall be taken prior to the submission of the application for final approval or disapproval of the sign erection permit, and upon payment of the required inspection fees as set forth in this title. (Ord. 1147, 2015)
15.04.095: POLE SIGNS:
All exposed pole signs, including nonaccessory signs, shall be prohibited within the city limits except for improved pole signs as defined in this title provided that all of the following conditions are present:
A.   Meets the definition of an improved pole sign;
B.   Approved pole or beam covering material:
   1.   Material used must be listed under section 19.40.130 of this code as approved commercial building facades;
   2.   Coverings cannot display any advertising logos or insignia except the display of the building address;
C.   Pole signs can only be erected on properties that front the NW Expressway and 39th Street;
D.   Shall only advertise for a single business;
E.   Shall maintain a maximum height of forty feet (40') and a maximum size of two (2) square feet of sign area for each linear foot of property fronting on the street but not to exceed a total of four hundred (400) square feet of area per sign face;
F.   Shall maintain the sight triangle setbacks as defined in this title; and
G.   Shall adhere to ground sign zoning and size restrictions as specified in chapter 15.14 of this title. (Ord. 1147, 2015)