Division of Fire
242.01   Establishment; composition.
242.02   Division into two companies.
242.03   Maximum age of new appointees.(Rescinded)
242.04   Fire Marshal.
242.05   Fire Prevention Bureau.
   Director of Public Safety to head Fire Division - see CHTR. Art. V, §3
   Civil service classification - see CHTR. Art. VII, §2
   Original appointment; probationary period and age - see Ohio R.C.
      124.27, 124.30, 124.42
   Promotions - see Ohio R.C. 124.31, 124.45 et seq.
   Reductions, suspensions and removals - see Ohio R.C. 124.34 et seq.,
   Fire Chief suspension - see Ohio R.C. 124.34, 124.40
   Sickleave - see Ohio R.C. 124.38; ADM. 252.02 et seq.
   Composition and control - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.08, 737.21
   Fire Chief - see Ohio R.C. 737.09
   Appointment of emergency firemen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10
   General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
   Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.21, 4115.02
   Fire Chief as Emergency Hazardous Material Manager; liability for costs
      of spills - see GEN. OFF. 632.19  
   Alarm systems - see B.R. & T. 804.05
   Obstruction of fire hydrants - see TRAF. 452.03 (d); F.P. 1620.06
   Emergency and public safety vehicles excepted from application of
      certain Traffic Code provisions - see TRAF. 404.035  
   Fire prevention - see F.P. Ch. 1610 , Ch. 1620