Each full-time employee shall be entitled, for each completed month of service, to sick leave of one and one-quarter work days with pay. An employee may use sick leave, upon approval of the head of his or her department, for absence due to illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees, and to illness or death in the employee's immediate family. Department heads may use sick leave upon approval of the Mayor, and all department heads appointed by the Mayor may use such sick leave upon approval of Council. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated up to 180 work days, except in the Police Division, where maximum sick leave accumulation shall be up to 210 days. Such employees may be required to furnish satisfactory proof, including a physician's certificate, to the effect that absence resulted from one of the causes enumerated in this section.
Special consideration shall be given to full-time employees who are injured or incur sickness while in the discharge of their duties, and the provisions of this section may be waived by motion duly passed by Council to allow additional sick leave to such employees, but in no case shall such additional sick leave exceed in all more than one year. In meritorious cases, each case to be considered on its own facts, the provisions of this section may also be waived in the same manner to allow such additional sick leave, whether or not the injury occurred or the sickness was incurred while in the discharge of duty. In either such case, a certificate of a physician approved by Council must be furnished. (Ord. 81-48. Passed 9-21-81.)
Provisional appointees or those who render part-time, intermittent, per diem or hourly service shall be entitled to sick leave for the time actually worked at the same rate as that granted full-time employees herein. Abuses of all provisions of this section pertaining to sick leave by an employee shall be cause for dismissal.
All seasonal employees are specifically excluded from any accumulation of sick leave.
(Ord. 02-26. Passed 5-28-02.)