Miscellaneous Regulations
1620.01   Sale of flammable liquids in plastic, paper or glass containers.
1620.02   Open burning.   
1620.03   Motor fuel leak detectors.
1620.04   Smoke detection devices.
1620.05   Liquefied petroleum gas.
1620.06   Obstruction of fire hydrants.
1620.07   Lock box systems.
1620.99   Penalty.
   Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3741
   Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3743; GEN. OFF. 672.10
   Obstruction of fire hydrants - see TRAF. 452.03 (d)
   Fire lanes - see TRAF. 452.15
   Hazardous and toxic substances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 632  
   Burning at removal or demolition site prohibited; exceptions - see B. & H. 1472.06
   A.I.A., National and Ohio Fire Codes - see F.P. Ch. 1610