92.01 City cemeteries dedicated to public use
92.02 Duties of Cemetery Superintendent
92.03 Duties of Clerk-Treasurer
92.04 Sales and conveyances
92.05 Price of lots; interment charges
92.06 Division of lots
92.07 Grave dimensions
92.08 Cemetery records
92.09 Burial permits
92.10 Superintendent to supervise burials
92.11 Interment prohibited where delinquencies exist
92.12 Interments restricted
92.13 Disinterment restrictions and charges
92.14 Interments and disinterments
92.15 Outer burial container and casket required
92.16 Monuments, headstones, grave markers and foundations
92.17 Corner posts
92.18 Flowers and enclosures
92.19 Removal of obstacles and obstructions
92.20 Grading of lots
92.21 Improvements by private parties
92.22 Access to grounds
92.23 Donation of money to Cemetery Fund
92.24 Appointment and removal of Superintendent
92.25 Maintenance
92.26 Cemetery rule exceptions and amendments
Funeral Protests, see Chapter 100