General Provisions
   157.001   Purpose
   157.002   Short title
   157.003   Definitions
   157.010   Permits required
   157.011   Sign contractor's license
   157.012   Indemnification
   157.013   Insurance
   157.014   Federal or state licenses
   157.015   Permission to install
   157.016   Application
   157.017   Issuance; denial
   157.018   Effect of issuance
   157.019   Permit fees
   157.020   Appeals
   157.021   Notice of change of sign owner or user
   157.022   Inspection
Signs in Zoning Districts
   157.030   Residential zones
   157.031   Commercial building zone
   157.032   Shopping center and highway commercial zones
   157.033   Industrial park zones
   157.034   Medium density commercial
Regulations and Limitations
   157.040   Free-standing signs
   157.041   Off-premise sign
   157.042   Wall signs
   157.043   Roof signs
   157.044   Projecting signs
   157.045   Canopy or marquee signs
   157.046   Signs on awnings
   157.047   Sloping roof signs
   157.048   Other signs
   157.049   Free-standing sign; decorative embellishments
Prohibited Signs
   157.055   Animated, changing copy and image signs
   157.056   Miscellaneous signs and posters
   157.057   Moving signs
   157.058   Abandoned businesses or activities
   157.059   Parking of advertising vehicles
   157.060   Public areas
   157.061   Banners
   157.062   Flags
   157.063   Swinging signs
   157.064   "A" frame signs
   157.065   Portable signs
   157.066   Visible frames
   157.067   Unclassified signs
Construction Specifications
   157.075   Compliance with building code
   157.076   Construction; auxiliary specifications
   157.077   Free-standing signs; materials
   157.078   Electric signs
   157.079   Glass
   157.080   Strength of parapet wall
   157.081   Supports and braces
   157.082   Wind loads
   157.083   Sign anchoring
Exempt Signs
   157.090   Permit exceptions
   157.091   Exempt signs
Removal and Disposition of Signs
   157.100   Maintenance and repair
   157.101   Abandoned signs
   157.102   Dangerous or defective signs
   157.103   Unlawful signs
   157.104   Street improvement projects
   157.105   Removal by Administrator
   157.106   Disposal of signs; fees
Legal Nonconforming Signs
   157.115   Legal nonconforming signs
   157.116   Maintenance and repair
   157.117   Amortization
Special Signs and Sign Districts
   157.125   Subdivision development signs
   157.126   Signs for special events
   157.127   Nonexempt signs for direction or instruction
   157.128   Special sign districts
Sign Board of Appeals
   157.135   Created
   157.136   Membership
   157.137   Identity of voting members
   157.138   Identity of nonvoting members
   157.139   Jurisdiction and power
   157.140   Criteria for Board decision
   157.141   Perfection of appeal; stay of proceedings
   157.142   Procedure
   157.143   Advice from Board of Appeals
   157.144   Notice of hearing
   157.145   Hearing
   157.146   Hearing minutes and decision
   157.147   Council review
   157.148   Clerical assistance
Administration and Enforcement
   157.155   Administrator
   157.156   Inspection
   157.997   Violations and enforcement; assurance of discontinuance
   157.998   Civil remedies
   157.999   Penalty