Off-premise (third party or outdoor advertising) signs may be erected on ground or wall locations (and roof locations such as can be done within regulations and limitations of roof signs) in industrial zones and highway business (B-1) zones only, subject to the following conditions:
(A) Off-premise signs on the same street facing the same traffic flow shall not be placed closer together than 300 feet. (Figure 6).

(B) Off-site signs can be double- faced and each side shall be considered as facing traffic flowing in the opposite direction. (Figure 7).

(C) At the intersection of two streets, double or single faced signs at right angles to and, therefore, facing traffic on street A may be situated closer than 300 feet to a similarly positioned sign across the street at right angles to and, therefore, facing traffic on street B. (Figure 8).

(D) Inindustrial zones bulletins and posters shall not exceed 720 square feet of total area. In B-1, off-premise signs shall not exceed 100 square feet of total area.
(E) Structures for off-premise signs shall be vertical (cantilever) construction and where the back is visible it shall be suitably painted or otherwise covered to present a neat and clean appearance.
(F) The area around off-premise sign structures shall be kept clean and all scrub brush or tall grass shall be cleared away to a distance of at least five feet to the rear and sides of structure as well as to the front property line, and if on a corner site to both property lines.
(G) Off-premise signs in industrial zones must be illuminated each day from dus k to daw n.
(H) S ite dir ect ion al signs shall conform to all the requirements of off-site third party signs.
(I) No part of any off-premise sign structure in an industrial zone shall be closer to any street line than the front line of the nearest building within 100 feet. (Figure 9).

(J) In an industrial zone, when an off-premise sign is erected between two buildings that are within 100 feet of the structure, no part of the structure shall be erected closer to any street line than a line drawn from the nearest front corner of the two buildings. (Figure 10).

(K) No off-premise sign or free- standing sign that is freeway-oriented shall be located other than within l,500 feet of the intersection of I-57 and Route 36 nor shall it be more than 25 feet above the grade of the freeway or 50 feet above the grade of the site of the sign. The measurement that is higher is to prevail as the height limit.
(L) Third party posters and bulletins (off-site signs) are recognized as a necessary and legitimate communication medium and are controlled through zoning and spacing formula to prohibit unreasonable placement. Photograph (10).

(M) Multi-prism indexing signs which utilize the same space for alternating copy or for more than one advertiser, thus diminishing the number of signs, are encouraged and permitted in certain zones.
Photograph (11).

(N) Within the B-1 zoning district, and only upon a vacant lot, off-premise signs may be erected within the front setback only, and with a minimum separation from other signs of 100 feet, subject to other regulations found elsewhere herein.
(Ord. 81-0-8, passed 4-21-81; Am. Ord. 2002-0-12, passed 7-8-02) Penalty, see § 157.999