Where canopy signs are allowed such signs shall be subject to the following conditions:
(A) Area of copy may be three square feet per linear foot of canopy front and sides. Copy area or any part of copy area allowed for one facing cannot be added to that allowed for other facings. Subject to minimum height limit of nine feet from the sidewalk, copy may be installed above, on the face of, or below the canopy proper, provided that where such sign is installed above or below, copy area will be computed on the total of the sign face and the canopy apron proper.
(B) No portion of a canopy sign can be closer than one foot to a vertical line from the curb face.
(C) On places of public entertainment such as theaters, arenas, or meeting halls, where one or more changeable copy signs are allowed, the copy area allowance will be five square feet per linear foot of canopy with a maximum total height limit of no more than five feet at any point.
(D) In local commercial zones, the maximum copy area of canopy signs shall be two square feet subject to the same conditions as in division (A).
(E) A free-standing sign supported by a sign structure which is imbedded in the ground and independent of a canopy for structural support, may project above and over a canopy. This section shall not be deemed to allow a free-standing sign to be located over, in whole or in part, the roof of a building. A free-standing sign which projects over a canopy shall comply with all other applic able regula tions of this chapter. (Figure 23).
(F) Under canopy signs. Signs attached to he underside of a canopy shall have a copy area no greater than six square feet, with a maximum letter height of nine inches, subject to a minimum clearance of eight feet from the sidewalk, and shall be mounted as nearly as possible to right angles of the building face. (Figure 24).
(Ord. 81-0-8, passed 4-21-81) Penalty, see § 157.999