§ 157.003 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "ABANDONED SIGN." A sign which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person, advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product, or activity conducted or product available on the premises where such sign is displayed.
   "ADMINISTRATOR." The duly appointed Building Commissioner of the city.
   "ADVERTISING MESSAGE." That copy on a sign describing products or services being offered to the public.
   "ANIMATED SIGN." Any sign which includes action or motion. For purposes of this chapter, this term does not refer to flashing, changing, or indexing, all of which are separately defined.
   "ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION." Any projection not intended for occupancy which extends beyond the property line, not including signs, canopies, or marquees.
   "AREA OF COPY." The entire area within a single, continuous perimeter composed of squares or rectangles, which enclose the extreme limits of the advertising message, announcement or decoration on a facia or wall sign.
   "AREA OF SIGN." The area of the largest single face of the sign within a perimeter which forms the outside shape including any frame, forms an integral part of the display, but excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which the sign may be placed. If the sign consists of more than one section or module, all areas will be totaled.
   "CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN, MANUAL." A sign on which copy is changed manually in the field, such as reader boards with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels.
   “CHANGING IMAGE SIGN.” A sign that electrically or electronically changes the text, copy, color, or images on a lighted screen or monitor.
   "CHANGING SIGN, AUTOMATIC." A sign such as an electronically or electrically controlled public service time, temperature, and date sign, message center or readerboard, where different copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank.
   "COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN PLAN." Building design and signs integrated into one architectural plan, the comprehensive plan being complete in all other building, structural, and electrical requirements.
   "COPY, PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY." The wording on a sign surface either in permanent or removable letter form.
   "COPY AREA." The area in square feet of the smallest geometric figure which describes the area enclosed by the actual copy of a sign. For facia signs, the copy area limits refer to the message, not to the illuminated background.
   "DIRECTIONAL SIGN." Any sign which serves solely to designate the location or direction of any place or area.
   "DIRECTLY ILLUMINATED SIGN." Any sign designed to provide artificial light either through exposed lighting on the sign face or through transparent or translucent material from a light source within the sign.
   "ELECTRICAL SIGN." Any sign containing electrical wiring which is attached or intended to be attached to an electrical energy source.
   "ARCHITECTURAL BLADE." A roof sign or projecting sign with no legs or braces. Designed to look as though it could have been part of the building structure, rather than something suspended from or standing on the building.
   "AREA OF OFF-PREMISE SIGN." Where poster panels or bulletins are installed back to back, one face only is considered as area. If there is a difference, the larger face will be counted.
   "AWNING." A temporary shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and composed of nonrigid materials except for the supporting framework.
   "BACKGROUND AREA." The entire area of a sign on which copy could be placed, as opposed to the copy area, when referred to in connection with facia or wall signs.
   "BANNER SIGN." A temporary sign composed of lightweight material either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame, secured or mounted so as to allow movement of the sign caused by movement of the atmosphere.
   "BIANNUAL." Every two years.
   "BUILDING FACE" or "BUILDING WALL." All window and wall area of a building in one plane or elevation.
   "BUILDING FRONTAGE." The linear length of a building facing the right-of- way or the linear length of the right-of- way facing the building, whichever is smaller.
   "BUILDING SIGN." A sign lettered to give the name of a building itself, as opposed to the name of occupants or services.
   "CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (C.S. A.)." In Canada a nonprofit organization which establishes standards for electrical and structural building materials which minimizes damage to the health and welfare of the public, hereinafter referred to as CSA. Comparable to Underwriters' Laboratories (48) in the United States.
   "CANOPY" or "MARQUEE." A permanent roof-like shelter extending from part or all of a building face over a public right- of-way and constructed of some durable material such as metal, glass, or plastic.
   "CANOPY SIGN" or "MARQUEE SIGN." Any sign attached to or constructed in or on a canopy or marquee.
      (1)   Letters, figures, characters, or representations in cut-outs or irregular forms or similar ornaments attached to or superimposed on the sign.
      (2)   "EMBELLISHMENT, DECORATIVE ONLY." A purely decorative embellishment on a free-standing sign.
   "ERECTED." This term shall mean attached, altered, built, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or moved, and shall include the painting of wall signs, but does not include copy changes on any sign.
   "EXEMPT SIGNS." Signs exempted from normal permit requirements.
   "FACELIFT." The remodeling of a building's frontage which is visible from a public right-of-way, so that the building material, door frames, window frames, and signs are designed in harmony with each other.
   "FACE OF SIGN." The entire area of sign on which copy could be placed.
   "FACIA SIGN" or "WALL SIGN." A sign attached to or erected against a wall of a building, with the face horizontally parallel to the building wall.
   "FIELD FABRICATED SIGN." An electrical sign of such magnitude that it cannot be completely constructed in the factory.
   "FLASHING SIGN." Any sign which contains an intermittent or flashing light source, or which includes the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation, or an externally-mounted intermittent light source. Automatic changing signs such as public service time, temperature, and date signs or electronically controlled message centers are classed as changing signs not flashing signs.
   "FREEWAY" or "CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY." A highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting land, or in respect of which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access and which is declared to be a freeway as provided by the highway authority.
   "FREEWAY-ORIENTED SIGN" or "CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY SIGN." Any sign identifying premises where food, lodging, or places of business are located that engage in supplying goods and services essential to normal operation of motor vehicles, and where such businesses are directly dependent on the adjacent freeway for business.
   "FRONTAGE." The length of the property line of any one premises parallel to and along each public right- of-way it borders.
   "GROUND LEVEL." Street grade at the crown or the top of the curb, if any.
   "GROUND SIGN." A sign erected on a free-standing frame, mast, or pole and not attached to any building. (See also "DETACHED SIGN" or "FREE-STANDING SIGN."
   "HEIGHT OF SIGN." The vertical distance measured from the adjacent street grade or upper surface of the nearest street curb other than an elevated roadway, which permits the greatest height to the highest point of the sign.
   "IDENTIFICATION SIGN." A sign which is limited to the name, address, and number of a building, institution, or person and to the activity carried on in the building or institution, or the occupancy of the person.
   "ILLUMINATED SIGN." Any sign which emanates light either by means of exposed tubing or lamps on its surface, or by means of illumination transmitted through the sign faces.
   "INCIDENTAL SIGN." A sign pertaining to goods, products, services, or facilities which are available on the premises where the sign is located.
   "INDEXING." Turning and stopping action of the triangular vertical sections of a multi-prism sign designed to show three messages in the same area.
   "INDIRECTLY ILLUMINATED SIGN." Any sign which reflects light from a source intentionally directed on it; for example, by means of floodlights, gooseneck reflectors, or externally mounted fluorescent light fixtures.
   "INDIVIDUAL LETTER SIGN." Any sign made of self-contained letters that are mounted on the face of a building, top of a parapet, roof edge of a building, or on top of or below a marquee.
   "INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE." Property lines other than those fronting on street, road, or highway.
   "LINTEL." In this context, the line above the display windows and below transom windows (if any) on a store (usually approximately 9 feet from grade).
   "LOT." A parcel of land which meets any of the following requirements:
      (1)   A subdivision map recorded with the assessment department or land registry office;
      (2)   A record of survey map approved by resolution of the Council or other legislative body.
   "MAINTAIN." To permit a sign, structure, or any part of each to continue or to repair or refurbish a sign, structure, or any part of either.
   "MARQUEE" or "CANOPY." A permanent roof-like shelter extending from part or all of the building face over a public right-of-way and constructed of some durable material such as metal, glass, or plastic.
   "MARQUEE SIGN" or "CANOPY SIGN." Any sign attached to or constructed in or on a canopy or marquee.
   "MESSAGE." The wording or copy on a sign.
   "MULTI-PRISM SIGN." Signs made with a series of triangular vertical sections that turn and stop, or index, to show three pictures or messages in the same area.
   "NAMEPLATE." A nonelectric sign identifying only the name and occupation or profession of the occupant of premises on which the sign is located. If any premises include more than one occupant, nameplate refers to all names and occupations or professions as well as the name of the building and directional information.
   "NONACCESSORY SIGN." A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment not related to the premises at which the sign is located, or to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment which is conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than on the premises of which the sign is located.
   "NONELECTRICAL SIGN." Any sign that does not contain electrical wiring or is not attached or intended to be attached to an electrical energy source.
   "NONCONFORMING SIGN, LEGAL." Any advertising structure or sign which was lawfully erected and maintained prior to such time as it came within the preview of this chapter and any amendments thereto, and which fails to conform to all applicable regulations and restrictions of this chapter, or a nonconforming sign for which a special permit has been issued.
   "ON-PREMISE SIGN" or "ON-SITE SIGN." Any sign identifying or advertising a business, person, activity, goods, products, or services located on the premises where the sign is installed and maintained, also known as a pertinent or accessory sign.
   "OFF-PREMISE SIGN" or "OFF- SITE SIGN." This is a third party sign. It is a sign that advertises goods, products, services, or facilities or directs persons to a different location from where the sign is installed.
   "OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN" or "OFF- SITE SIGN." Outdoor advertising signs which advertise goods, products or services not necessarily sold on the premises on which the sign is located, are of three main types:
      (1)   Poster panels or bulletins normally mounted on a building wall or free-standing structure with advertising copy in the form of pasted paper.
      (2)   Multi-prism signs; same as above, and alternating advertising messages on the one display area.
      (3)   Painted bulletins, where the advertiser's message is painted directly on the background of a wall-mounted or free-standing display area.
   "OWNER." A person recorded as such on official records and including duly authorized agent or notary, a purchaser, devisee, judiciary, any person having a vested or contingent interest in the property in question.
   "PARAPET" or "PARAPET WALL." That portion of a building wall that rises above the roof level.
   "PENTHOUSE." A structure on top of a building roof such as houses an elevator shaft or similar form.
   "PORTABLE SIGN." Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or a building.
   "PREMISES." An area of land with its appurtenances and buildings which, because of its unity of use, may be regarded as the smallest conveyable unit of real estate.
   "PROJECTING SIGNS." A sign, other than a wall sign, which is attached to and projects from a structure or building face. The area of double faced projecting signs are calculated on one face of the sign only.
   "PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH." The particular distance across a public street, measured from property line to property line. When property lines on opposite sides of the public street are not parallel, the public right-of-way width shall be determined by the City Engineer.
   "PUBLIC SERVICE INFORMATION SIGN." Any sign intended primarily to promote items of general interest to the community such as time, temperature and date, atmospheric conditions, or news or traffic control.
   "REAL ESTATE OR PROPERTY FOR SALE, RENT OR LEASE SIGN." Any sign pertaining to the sale, lease, or rental of land or buildings.
   "ROOF LINE." The top edge of the roof or the top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouette.
   "ROOF SIGN." Any sign erected on, against, or directly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a building.
   "ROTATING SIGN." Any sign or portion of a sign which moves in a revolving or similar manner, but not including multi- prism indexing signs.
   "SEASONAL SIGNS" or "HOLIDAY SIGNS." Signs such as Christmas decorations, those used for an historic holiday and installed for a limited period of time.
   "SIGN." Any identification, description, illustration, or device illuminated or nonilluminated which is visible from any public place or is located on private property and exposed to the public and which directs attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business, or solicitation, including any permanently installed or situated merchandise, or any emblem, painting, banner, pennant, placard or temporary sign designed to advertise, identify, or convey information, with the exception of window displays and national flags. For the purpose of removal, signs shall also include all sign structures.
   "SIGN CODE BOARD OF APPEALS." The Zoning Board of Appeals as defined and referred to in the zoning code, Chapter 156.
   "SIGN STICKER." A sticker affixed either to the face or the channel of a sign visible from the street denoting the name of the manufacturer or designated servicing company for purpose of identification by city officials.
   "SIGN STRUCTURE." Any structure which supports, has supported or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative cover.
   "SPECIAL PURPOSE SIGN." Any sign other than a business, nonaccessory, identification sign, including but not limited to traffic signs.
   "STREET." A public highway, road, or thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to adjacent lots, measured from property line to property line.
   "SWINGING SIGN." A sign installed on an arm or spar, that is not, in addition, permanently fastened to an adjacent wall or upright pole.
   "TEMPORARY SIGN." A sign which is not permanently affixed. All devices such as banners, pennants, flags (not intended to include flags of any nations) searchlights, twirling or sandwich type signs, sidewalk or curb signs, and balloons or other air-or gas-filled figures.
   "TEMPORARY WINDOW OR BUILDING SIGN." A sign painted on the interior of a window or constructed of paper, cloth, or other like material and attached to the interior side of a window or displayed on the exterior of a building wall in order to direct attention of persons outside the building to a sale of merchandise or a change in the status of the business.
   "UNDER CANOPY OR MARQUEE SIGN." A sign suspended below the ceiling or roof of a canopy or marquee.
   "UNLAWFUL SIGN." A sign which contravenes this chapter or which the Administrator may declare as unlawful if it becomes dangerous to public safety by reason of dilapidation or abandonment or a nonconforming sign for which a permit required under a previous code was not obtained.
   "USE." The purpose for which a building, lot, sign, or other structure is arranged, intended, designed, occupied, or maintained.
   "WALL SIGN" or "FACIA SIGN." A sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building with the face in a parallel plane to the plane of the building wall.
   "WINDOW SIGN." A sign installed inside a window for purposes of viewing from outside the premises. This term does not include merchandise located in a window.
   "UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES (48)." In the United States, a nonprofit organization which establishes standards for electrical and mechanical equipment and materials and is commonly referred to as UL. The electrical section is known as "Underwriters' Laboratories (48)."
(Ord. 81-0-8, passed 4-21-81)