§ 157.042 WALL SIGNS.
   (A)   Area limits of wall signs. In all cases, all sign areas refer to the area of copy rather than the area of the background. This has been done to encourage advertisers to install comprehensive wall or facia signs which often cover unsightly transom windows or other items and substantially aid in the renovation of older buildings. Permitted background area, therefore, is the total are a bet wee n the lin tel bar and the par ape t on a on e-story building, or between the lintel bar and the floor level of the floor above on a multi-storied building. Commercialism is controlled by limiting the advertising or copy area, however, copy area is bonused for advertisers who forego any other signage on the same premises.
      (1)   Where an advertiser has no ground, roof, or projecting sign on the same premises, 45% of the wall sign background area may be used for copy. (Figure 11).
      (2)   Where an advertiser has a ground sign but no roof or projecting sign on the same premises, 30% of the wall sign background area may be used for copy. (Figure 12).
      (3)   Where an advertiser has a projecting or roof sign but no ground sign on the same premises, 15% of the wall sign background area may be used for copy. (Figure 13).
   (B)   Where individual mounted letters are used without a sign background, the foregoing percentages will apply, but will be computed on the area of the total facade between the lintel bar and the parapet on a one-story building, or between the lintel bar and the floor level of the floor above on a multi-storied building.
   (C)   The frontage factor is relative to each tenant's building frontage facing on each public right-of-way, excluding alleys and serviceways.
   (D)   Premises fronting on more than one public right-of-way may not combine permissible signs for one frontage with another frontage for the purpose of placing the combined area of signs on one frontage.
   (E)   Any identification wall signs with nonilluminated letters up to but not exceeding three inches in height nor four square feet in area are not restricted and may be permitted in addition to regulated signage.
(Ord. 81-0-8, passed 4-21-81) Penalty, see § 157.999