The following uses are permitted in the R-1 District and require no other planning approval other than to ensure that any such development conforms to the standards of this chapter.
(A) One-family dwelling;
(B) Licensed small family day care home (eight or fewer children);
(C) Licensed group care homes (six or fewer persons);
(D) Community care facility (six or fewer persons);
(E) One manufactured home, subject to the requirements contained in § 10.32.070;
(F) Raising of fruit and nut trees, vegetables and horticultural specialties;
(G) Accessory structures, subject to the requirements contained in Chapter 10.204, Accessory Structures, including private garages (see § 10.32.060(E)(4)) and carports, storehouses, garden structures, green houses, recreation rooms and hobby shops antennas and swimming pools (see § 10.204.090);
(H) Home occupations, subject to the requirements contained in Chapter 10.124, Home Occupations, approval;
(I) Temporary subdivision sales offices;
(J) Drainage basins and water well sites maintained or authorized by the Public Works Director;
(K) City water well sites;
(L) A second dwelling unit, subject to the requirements contained in Chapter 10.144, Second Residential Units; and
(M) Housing for six or fewer employees.
(1995 Code, § 10.32.040) (Ord. 11-10, passed 1-17-2012; Ord. 11-05, passed 6-21-2011; Ord. 08-02, passed 2-19-2008; Ord. 05-1991, passed 11-15-2005; Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)
The following uses shall be permitted upon the granting of a conditional use permit, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10.116, Conditional Use Permits.
(A) Licensed large family day-care home (nine or more children);
(B) Licensed group care home (seven or more persons);
(C) Community care facility (seven or more persons);
(D) Nursery school;
(E) Public and quasi-public uses of an educational or religious type, including public and parochial elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and colleges; private nonprofit schools and colleges; churches, parsonages, parish houses, monasteries, convents and other religious institutions, except tent revivals;
(F) Private noncommercial clubs and lodges, private golf courses; including the sale of alcoholic beverages;
(G) Public uses of an administrative, recreational public service or cultural type including city, county, state or federal administrative centers and courts, libraries, museums, art galleries, police and fire stations and other public buildings, structures and facilities; public playgrounds, parks and community centers and ambulance service;
(H) Major transmission lines, electric distribution substations, gas regulator stations, public service pumping stations and communications equipment buildings;
(I) Mobile home parks and mobile home developments, subject to the requirements contained in Chapter 10.200, Mobile Home Parks;
(J) One guest house;
(K) In the Downtown District, as defined by the Tulare General Plan, office conversions are allowed on properties zoned R-1; and
(L) Condominiums pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 10.146.
(1995 Code, § 10.32.050) (Ord. 11-05, passed 6-21-2011; Ord. 05-1993, passed 12-20-2005; Ord. 05-1991, 11-15-2005; Ord. 00-1854, passed --2000)
(A) Site area. The minimum parcel area shall be as follows:
District | Minimum Parcel Size |
R-1-5 | 5,000 square feet |
R-1-6 | 6,000 square feet |
R-1-7 | 7,000 square feet |
R-1-8 | 8,000 square feet |
R-1-12.5 | 12,500 square feet |
R-1-20 | 20,000 square feet |
City water well site: | 1,000 square feet |
(B) Frontage, width and depth. Each site shall have not less than 40 feet of frontage on a public street. The minimum width and depth of newly created parcels shall be as follows, however, all parcels shall contain the minimum area required in § 10.32.060(A), site area.
District | Interior Lot Width | Corner Lot Width | All Lots Depth |
R-1-5 | 50 feet | 60 feet | 100 feet |
R-1-6 | 60 feet | 70 feet | 100 feet |
R-1-7 | 65 feet | 75 feet | 100 feet |
R-1-8 | 70 feet | 80 feet | 100 feet |
R-1-12.5 | 90 feet | 100 feet | 100 feet |
R-1-20 | 100 feet | 110 feet | 100 feet |
(1) Any parcels backing onto a railroad right-of-way, freeway or arterial street shall have a depth of not less than 120 feet.
(2) Cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 40 feet, and shall have a minimum width shown in the table above, at a point along both side property lines, midway between the front and rear property lines.
(3) City water well sites need not exceed 20 feet in width in any residential zone district.
(C) Density. Not more than one dwelling shall be located on each site unless otherwise allowed for in this chapter.
(D) Lot coverage. The maximum site area covered by structures shall be 50% for all uses.
(E) Yards.
(1) Front yard.
(a) Minimum:
District | Front Yard |
R-1-5 | 20 feet |
R-1-6 | 20 feet |
R-1-7 | 20 feet |
R-1-8 | 25 feet |
R-1-12.5 | 30 feet |
R-1-20 | 30 feet |
(b) For single-family dwellings that include a usable front porch measuring at least ten feet in width by five feet in depth, the front yard setback may be reduced by five feet.
(2) Side yard. The minimum side yard shall be five feet in the R-1-5, R-1-6, R-1-7, R-1-8 and districts, and seven and one-half feet in the R-1-12.5 and R-1-20 districts. The side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall be a minimum of ten feet.
(3) Rear yard. The minimum rear yard shall be five feet in the R-1-5, R-1-6, R-1-7 and R-1-8 districts and seven and one-half feet in the R-1-12.5 and R-1-20 districts.
(4) Garage setback. A garage or carport facing the street shall be set back at least 20 feet from the property line. If the garage does not face the street, the garage may be set back the required minimum distance listed in divisions (E)(1) through (3) above.
(5) Exceptions.
(a) Architectural features, including eaves, sills, chimneys and cornices may extend up to 30 inches into a required side yard or space between structures and up to 36 inches into a required front or rear yard.
(b) Uncovered, unenclosed porches, platforms or landing places that do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building may extend up to six feet into a required front, side or rear yard, or into a space between buildings. Railing up to 30 inches tall may be installed on any such porch, platform or landing.
(F) Distance between structures. The minimum distance between a structure used for human habitation and another structure (including a detached garage, carport, or storage shed) shall be ten feet.
(G) Building height. The maximum height of a permitted use and its accessory structures shall be 30 feet. A maximum height of 50 feet may be approved through a conditional use permit.
(H) Fences, walls and hedges.
(1) Front yards. Fences, walls and hedges shall not exceed four feet in height in a required front yard, and in the street side-yard of a corner lot, provided that the top one foot shall be of a see-through material such as wrought-iron. Hedges up to three feet tall are also permitted in a required front yard.
(2) Rear and side yards. Fences and walls shall not exceed seven feet in height in any rear or side yard, or other areas outside a required front yard.
(3) Corner lots. On corner lots, a fence may not exceed four feet in height in the street corner area of the parcel formed by a right triangle with the right angle at the street corner property lines and its right-angle sides measuring 25 feet. The top one foot of the fence shall be of a see-through material (such as wrought-iron).
(4) Walls; height. Walls greater than seven feet in height may be permitted, if approved by the Planning Commission to mitigate noise impacts identified in the Tulare General Plan.
(I) Off-street parking and loading facilities.
(1) For single-family dwellings, a minimum of two covered parking spaces shall be provided on-site. Each space shall measure a minimum of nine feet in width and 20 feet in depth. All parking spaces and driveways shall be surfaced with asphalt concrete, chip seal or other suitable all-weather surfacing. Where a carport or garage is open to a public street, a driveway length of at least 20 feet shall be provided between the parking structure.
(2) Other uses shall provide parking facilities as required in Chapter 10.192, Parking and Loading.
(J) Signs. Signs shall be designed consistent with the requirements contained in Chapter 10.188, Signs.
(K) Public improvements. New development may be required to install public infrastructure necessary to adequately serve the project, based on requirements of the City Engineer, including sewer, water, storm drainage facilities lines, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lighting. These improvements shall be constructed consistent with requirements shown in the City of Tulare standards and specifications and shall be installed prior to occupancy of any structures on the site.
(1995 Code, § 10.32.060) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)
The following standards apply to all single-family dwellings, including manufactured homes, developed in the R-1 district.
(A) The minimum width of a primary one-family dwelling or mobile home shall be 20 feet.
(B) Manufactured homes must be certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.
(C) All residential units shall be attached to a permanent foundation, pursuant to the state’s Health and Safety Code.
(D) Roofing material shall be composed of composition shingles, ceramic tile, wood shakes, wood shingles or other materials consistent with the Uniform Building Code.
(E) Exterior siding material shall be composed of, or resemble, wood, masonry or plaster.
(F) Siding shall extend to the ground, except when a solid concrete or masonry perimeter foundation or retaining wall is used, in which case the material need only extend to the top of the foundation or wall.
(G) Orientation and appearance of all single-family dwellings shall be consistent and compatible with other dwelling units in the surrounding area.
(H) A manufactured home is prohibited if more than ten years have elapsed between the date of the manufacture and the date of the application for the issuance of a permit to install the manufactured home.
(1995 Code, § 10.32.070) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)