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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   A.   Purpose
   This section is established to provide an administrative process by which specific and dimensional standards of the may be modified under certain criteria applicable to a within a . A Design Development Option (DDO) is intended to encourage the following:
      1.   Flexible design solutions that are within the intent of the regulation, encourage efficient use of land, do not create a on property, and address situations where strict application of a requirement may not be practical;
      2.   Energy conservation through and design;
      3.   Innovation in planning and architectural design; and,
      4.   Enhancement of community aesthetics.
   B.   Applicability
   The following dimensional, screening, and standards may be considered for modification under this Section:
      1.    ;
      2.    of accessory walls and fences when the wall and fence heights do not exceed two feet above the maximum height permitted;
      3.    and screening standards when the modification does not decrease the required area in square footage of or of a screening feature; and,
      4.   Structural and parking space length requirements for only in single- and duplex .
   C.   PDSD Review and Decision
      1.   The PDSD shall review and make a final decision on a DDO in accordance with Section 3.3.4, 100' Notice Procedure. Approval of a DDO request may only occur based on the findings in Section 3.11.1.D below.
      2.   For and screening modification requests as provided in Section 3.11.1.B.3 above, the Design Review Board shall review the request and make a recommendation prior to a decision by the PDSD .
      3.   Only one application is required when more than one DDO is being requested and may be processed concurrently in accordance with the most restrictive applicable procedure. For example, applications requesting a modification to the and standards shall go to the Design Review Board for a recommendation prior to a decision by the PDSD .
   D.   Findings for Approval
      1.   General Findings for All Modification Requests
      For all modification requests, the PDSD may approve a DDO request only if the request meets all of the following findings:
         a.   Is not a request previously denied as a variance;
         b.   Does not modify a conditional requirement or finding to determine whether the use should be allowed in the ;
         c.   Is not to a condition of approval for a rezoning or Special Exception application;
         d.   Does not modify a requirement of an overlay , such as, but not limited to, Scenic Corridor, Environmental Resource,   , or Environs;
         e.   Does not result in deletion or waiver of a requirement;
         f.   The modification applies to property that cannot be developed in conformity with the provisions of this chapter due to physical circumstances or conditions of the property, such as irregular shape, narrowness of , exceptional topographic conditions, or location;
         g.   Does not create a situation where proposed substantially reduces the amount of privacy that would be enjoyed by nearby residents any more than would be available if the was built without the modification;
         h.   Does not create a situation where proposed will block visibility within the required visibility triangle on   for either vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
         i.   Does not create a situation where the proposed will cause objectionable noise, odors, trespass lighting, or similar adverse impacts properties or ; and,
         j.   Does not create a situation where the will result in an increase in the number of residential or the square footage of nonresidential greater than would occur if the was built without the modification.
      2.   Specific Findings for and Wall Modification Requests
      In addition to the findings in Section 3.11.1.D.1, the PDSD shall find, in the case of and wall only, that the modification:
         a.   Does not create a situation where proposed will obstruct significant views of dramatic land forms, unusual stands of vegetation, or parks from nearby properties substantially more than would occur if the were built without the modification;
         b.   Provides design alternatives to better integrate the into the design character of the immediate neighborhood;
         c.   Does not apply to a requirement of a Flexible Lot Development (FLD);
         d.   Does not create a situation where the proposed will interfere with the optimum air temperature or solar radiation orientation of on properties substantially more than would occur if the or were built without the modification; and,
         e.   Does not create a situation where the proposed use of the property will impose objectionable noise levels on properties greater than would occur if the or were built without the modifications.
         f.   The modification is not for an increase in height of more than two feet to an accessory wall or fence, except that an increase of up to four feet may be considered for entry features on walls and fences.
      3.   Specific Finding for Screening Modification Requests
      For screening modifications, in addition to the findings in Section 3.11.1.D.1, the PDSD shall make a finding that the modification does not lower the of a required screening device to a point where it does not accomplish its purpose.
   E.   Appeals
   A may appeal the PDSD ’s decision on DDO applications. Appeals are considered by the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.2, Board of Adjustment Appeal Procedure. Appeals must be filed within five of the effective date of the decision. The complete appeals material must be filed within 30 of the effective date of the decision. An appeal under this section shall be based upon an error in the ’s decision finding compliance or noncompliance with the applicable findings. The Board of Adjustment shall apply the applicable findings as provided in Section 3.11.1D, Findings for Approval, when rendering its decision.
   F.   Expiration of Approval
   Any Design Development Option (DDO) approval granted by the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) shall be null and void if building permits are not issued implementing the DDO or compliance with conditions of approval does not occur within 180 days from the date of approval. One extension of up to 180 days may be granted by the PDSD for good cause.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11127, 11/6/2013; Am. Ord. 11732, 2/19/2020))
   A.   Applicability
   These regulations apply when an application for a demolition permit involves the complete or partial demolition of a that is partially or in its entirety 50 or more years old.
   B.   Required Documentation
   Applications for permits for the demolition of that are partially or in their entirety 50 or more years old must include architectural documentation to provide a permanent record of of historical significance before their loss. Demolition applications are available from PDSD.
      1.   Minor Documentation
      Minor Documentation is required for demolition permit requests for all that are partially or in their entirety 50 or more years old, but are not within designated or pending National Register Historic Districts; are not individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places; and do not meet the eligibility criteria for the National Register of Historic Places. For that otherwise meet the criteria for full documentation, only Minor Documentation is required if the demolition will be limited to an addition that is less than 50 years old.
      2.   Full Documentation
      Full documentation is required for demolition permit requests for all that are partially or in their entirety 50 or more years old and are:
         a.    within designated or pending National Register Historic Districts;
         b.   Individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places; or,
         c.   Meet the criteria for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places.
      3.   Additional Documentation
      If the to be completely or partially demolished is located in a Historic Preservation (HPZ) or the Rio Nuevo District (RND) overlay , compliance with the applicable demolition review and approval requirements contained in Section 5.8.10 through Section 5.8.12 and Section 5.11.7 is required in addition to the provisions contained in this section.
   C.   Review Required
   The applicant shall submit minor or full architectural documentation to PDSD for review before issuance of a demolition permit.
   D.   Application and Review Process
      1.   Prior to the submittal of a demolition permit application, the applicant may meet with the PDSD. At that time, the PDSD shall determine whether the application requires Minor or Full Documentation.
      2.   At the time of submittal, the applicant shall submit two copies of the demolition permit application and all required architectural documentation to the PDSD. All new photos must be printed on photographic paper.
      3.   If Minor Documentation is required, the PDSD reviews and approves the applications for completeness in accordance with Section 3.2.3.A. The PDSD determines and informs the applicant that the Minor Documentation is complete, or of any additional documentation which is required.
      4.   If full documentation is required, the Historic Preservation Officer (HPO) reviews and approves the applications for completeness, and informs the applicant that full documentation is complete or informs the applicant of any additional documentation which is required.
      5.   If the PDSD or the HPO determine that the required architectural documentation is complete, then a demolition permit application may be processed. The applicant must demonstrate compliance with all provisions of the Tucson Code before a demolition permit will be issued.
   E.   Minor Documentation Required
   Minor Documentation shall include:
      1.   Current photographs of the front, rear and sides of the to be completely or partially demolished (printed on photographic paper); and,
      2.   Documentation from the County Assessor’s records, the State Historic Preservation Office, or other official government records confirming the year of construction and dates of additions to the to be demolished. Some of this documentation of construction dates may be available at the PDSD.
   F.   Full Documentation Required
   Full documentation shall include:
      1.   Floor plans with measured dimensions;
      2.   Photographs of the front, rear and sides of the to be completely or partially demolished, and all interior rooms;
      3.   A ‘context photograph’ illustrating the relationship between the to be completely or partially demolished and the nearest   in the . The is defined in Section 11.4.5;
      4.   Copies of old photographs of the to be completely or partially demolished (taken at least 20 years prior to the demolition application), if in the possession of the applicant;
      5.   Documentation from the County Assessor’s records, the State Historic Preservation Office, or other official government records confirming the year of construction and dates of additions to the to be demolished. Some of this documentation of construction dates may be available at PDSD;
      6.   A general description of construction materials, such as exterior walls, roofing, windows, porches, and of the to be demolished; and,
      7.   A list of any important historical events or historically significant related to the to be demolished, if known to the applicant.
   G.   Documentation Retention
   Upon approval of the demolition permit, the HPO shall retain one copy as a record of a lost historic resource and forward one copy to the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission for their records.
   A.   General
      1.   After a or tentative or final has been approved, an applicant may apply for a (PDR). A PDR is a right granted to undertake and complete the and use of property as shown on the PDR Plan without needing to comply with subsequent changes in zoning standards and technical standards adopted during the period of the PDR, except as provided by A.R.S. §9-1204. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the and A.R.S. §§9-1201 through 9-1205 inclusive, as they may be amended, the statutory provisions shall govern.
      2.   The also precludes the enforcement against the of any   regulation that would change, alter, impair, prevent, diminish, delay, or otherwise impact the or use of the property as set forth in the approved plan except as provided herein.
      3.   The does not vest until the Mayor and Council approve the plan or as a plan at public hearing.
   B.   Applicability
   The Mayor and Council may consider granting a PDR to the following:
      1.   An approved or provided the PDR is granted prior to the or expiring; or,
      2.   Concurrent with the initial approval of a or upon a finding that granting a to undertake and complete the shown on the plan will promote reasonable certainty, stability and fairness in the planning and regulatory process and secure the reasonable investment-backed expectations of the owner.
   C.   Application
   Submittal of an application to the PDSD is required in order to process the request. The PDR application requirements are provided in Section 2-12.0.0 of the Administrative Manual. Applications are reviewed for completeness in compliance with Section 3.2.3.A, Application Required. Following acceptance of the application, it will be scheduled for consideration by the Mayor and Council.
   D.   Nonphased and Standards
   Applications may be filed for nonphased or phased plans as follows:
      1.   Nonphased
      Nonphased are constructed in one phase. An application for a for a nonphased , must comply with the requirements in accordance with:
         a.   Article 8, Land Division, , and Standards, and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals for a  ; or
         b.   Section 3.3.3.G, , and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals for a .
         a.   For consideration and approval as a plan, a shall be a master planned which:
            (1)   Consists of at least 40 depicted on a single master   for a residential ;
            (2)   Consists of at least 20 depicted on a single master   or for a nonresidential ;
            (3)   Is a Planned Area Development (PAD) ; or,
            (4)   The Mayor and Council have identified as a for the purposes of .
         b.   An application for a for a , must comply with the requirements set forth in:
            (1)   Article 8, Land Division, , and Standards, and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals, if the master planned consists of at least 40 depicted on a single master   for a residential ;
            (2)   Article 8, Land Division, , and Standards, and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals, if the master planned consists of at least twenty (20) depicted on a single master   for a nonresidential ;
            (3)   Section 3.3.3.G, , and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals, if the master planned consists of at least 20 depicted on a single master for a nonresidential ; or,
            (4)   Section 3.5.5, Planned Area Development (PAD) , and applicable standards of the Administrative and Technical Standards Manuals for a master planned which is a PAD.
   E.   Granting of a PDR
      1.   A PDR shall be granted upon approval by the Mayor and Council.
      2.   The Mayor and Council may impose terms and conditions of approval.
      3.   Upon Mayor and Council approval, the landowner has the right to undertake and complete the only to the extent of the specific elements and details shown on the plan.
      4.   Approval of a plan for one phase of a is not approval of a plan for any other phase.
   F.   Effective Date
      1.   A PDR shall be deemed established with respect to a property on the effective date of Mayor and Council approval of the PDR Plan, except as follows.
      2.   Exception. A plan approved with a condition that a variance be obtained does not confer a until the variance is granted. Approval of a plan does not guarantee approval of a variance.
   G.   Expiration Date and Extension
      1.   Nonphased
      A plan for a nonphased is valid for three years.
         a.   In its sole discretion, the Mayor and Council may extend this time for a maximum of two additional years if it determines such extension is warranted by all relevant circumstances, including the size and type of the , the level of investment of the landowner, economic cycles, and market conditions.
         b.   If no permit has been issued prior to expiration, no construction shall commence under the plan.
      2.   Phased
      A plan for a is valid for five years.
         a.   In its sole discretion, the Mayor and Council may extend this time for a maximum of two additional years if it determines such extension is warranted by all relevant circumstances, including the size, type and phasing of the , the level of investment of the landowner, economic cycles, and market conditions.
         b.   No construction shall take place on the property for any phase for which a permit has not been issued.
   H.   Modification of Expiration Dates
   Notwithstanding Section 3.3.3.G.6.a, a that has been designated a PDR Plan shall expire upon termination of the PDR.
   I.   Enforcement
      1.   Subsequent Standards
      A protected precludes the enforcement of legislative or administrative regulations that would change, alter, impair, prevent, diminish, delay, or impact the or use of the property as approved in the Plan, except under any one of the following circumstances:
         a.   Landowner Consent
         The affected landowner consents in writing.
         b.   Natural or Man-Made Hazard
         The Mayor and Council declare by resolution, after notice and a public hearing, that natural or man-made hazard on or in the immediate vicinity of the property, if uncorrected, would pose a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare if the were to proceed as approved in the Plan.
         c.   Inaccurate Information
         Declaration by the Mayor and Council by resolution after notice and a public hearing that the owner or his representative intentionally supplied inaccurate information or made material misrepresentations that made a difference in the approval of the Plan by the .
         d.   Enactment of or Law
         The enactment of a or law or regulation that precludes as approved in the Plan, in which case the Mayor and Council, after notice and a public hearing, may modify the affected provisions, on a finding that the change in or law has a fundamental effect on the Plan.
      2.   Subsequent Overlay Zoning, Fees, and Other Codes
      A does not preclude the enforcement of the following:
         a.   Overlay
         A subsequently adopted overlay zoning classification that imposes additional requirements and that does not affect the allowable type or of use.
         b.    Fee
         A subsequently adopted fee applicable to similar properties in the adopted pursuant to A.R.S. §9-463.05.
         c.   Other Codes
         A subsequently adopted , fire, plumbing, electrical, or mechanical code or other ordinance or regulation general in nature and applicable to all property subject to regulation by the .
      3.    and
      A does not preclude, change, or impair the authority of the to adopt and enforce zoning ordinance provisions governing or on the property.
      4.   Suspension and Revocation Procedures
      The is permitted by law to subject a Plan to subsequent reviews and approvals consistent with the original approval. The may revoke its approval of a Plan for failure to comply with the applicable terms and conditions of approval. The procedure for compliance review suspension and revocation is described as follows:
         a.   PDSD Monitors Compliance
         After the approval of a Plan, the PDSD or designee shall monitor the progress of the to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the original approval or any agreement applicable to the property.
         b.   Suspension or Revocation
         The PDSD or designee may suspend or revoke a after notice to the applicant. The notice shall contain the Plan to be revoked, the property to which it applies, and the reason(s) for the proposed suspension or revocation.
         c.   Appeal to Mayor and Council
         The PDSD ’s decision to revoke a may be appealed to Mayor and Council in accordance with Section 3.9.2, Mayor and Council Appeal Procedure, by filing a notice of intent to appeal with the City Clerk no later than 14 after the effective date of the decision. The complete appeal materials must be filed with the PDSD within 30 of the effective date of the decision.
   J.   Successors
   After approval of the plan, all successors to the original landowner are entitled to exercise the .