All rezoning ordinances require compliance with one or more conditions of rezoning including substantial compliance with the preliminary submitted in support of the rezoning application. The three types of rezoning ordinances, all considered final actions, are as follows.
   A.    Permit
   This is the standard type of rezoning ordinance. In addition to other conditions of rezoning, a permit rezoning ordinance requires issuance of a permit for construction of the principal (s) on the rezoning to effectuate the rezoning. Permits issued for , electrical, , patio walls, fences, storage , and other similar types of will not effectuate the rezoning. The permit must be secured within the time period allowed for the rezoning case. If all conditions of rezoning are met prior to expiration of the rezoning approval, the new zoning becomes effective, and the zoning map is changed to reflect the new zoning.
      1.   This type of rezoning ordinance requires compliance with the conditions of rezoning, including the completion of the rezoning process through the recordation of a   . Where the demonstrates compliance with the conditions and the   is approved and recorded within the time period allowed, the new zoning becomes effective, and the zoning base maps are changed to reflect the new zoning.
      2.   The use of this type of ordinance is generally limited to single- residential , where division of is such that the property cannot be used for other purposes without replatting. Staff may recommend the use of this type of ordinance for other forms of where, in staff’s opinion, the same intent can be accomplished. In such instances where there is a approved for the , and the is a large multi-use with phased construction, the   can be a (or master)   , with each encompassing each area.
      3.   Under this option, a rezoning ordinance may be forwarded to the Mayor and Council based on an approved tentative , provided it can be shown that all conditions of rezoning have been met, with the exception of the recordation of the . The effectuation of the rezoning is subject to the recordation of the final prior to the expiration of the time period applicable to the rezoning. Although an ordinance may be adopted based on the approved tentative , no permits may be issued on the until the has been recorded and the new zoning has become effective.
   C.    Inspection
   This type of rezoning ordinance applies to those rezoning applications where the eventual to the property do not require the issuance of a permit or the recordation of a   . The rezoning ordinance requires conditions of rezoning, including the requirement that a inspection be conducted to verify that the Mayor and Council conditions of rezoning have been met. The purpose of the inspection is to verify that   have been installed on the rezoning within the time period allowed, in accordance with an approved . Once the is inspected and compliance is confirmed, the new zoning becomes effective, and the zoning base maps are changed to reflect the new zoning.