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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   A.   Location
      Historic districts include property established as historic preservation pursuant to Section 5.8 Historic Preservation  and designated with the preface "H" which is added to the assigned residential, office, commercial, or industrial designation, i.e., R-1 becomes HR-1. For purposes of the  , historic districts are treated as specific mapped districts and are not treated as overlay . Note: historic preservation maps are located on the official City of Tucson's .
   B.   Regulation of Signs
      All signs located in a "H" Historic Preservation Zone are regulated under Section 5.8.9.M, Signs, and subject to review under 5.8.8, Design Review Required.
   C.   Maximum Area of Any
      Eight square feet in a residential ; 40 square feet in a commercial . The shall be appropriately sized, result in minimal damage to historic fabric, and avoid adverse effects on qualities that make a eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
   D.   Historic Advisory Board Approval
      All permit applications must be approved by the appropriate historic advisory board.
   E.   No may extend above the top of the nearest , eaves or firewall of a or .
   F.   Illumination
       within the historic may be illuminated by remote light sources that are shielded from properties.
   G.   Prohibited Features
      Visible bulbs, neon tubing, luminous paints, and plastics are prohibited, except as provided in Section 5.8.9 HPZ Design  and approved in accordance with Section 5.8.8 Design Review Required.
   H.   Permitted
      1.    generally permitted and types listed in Section 7A.10, except as modified by this subsection for this , and exempt under Section 7A.8 Exempt and Prohibited .
      2.    .
      3.    , and curbside.
      4.    , monument and low profile only.
         a.   Maximum number: One per .
         b.    that include or consist of a three-dimensional representation of a figure or object are prohibited.
      5.    .
         a.   May be permitted in this only after review and approval by the planning and development services , the applicable historic advisory board and the Tucson Pima County Historical Commission.
         b.   Use is subject to the provisions of Section 7A.10.3  Types and General .
      6.    .
         a.   Allowed use: Limited to commercial uses only.
         b.   Maximum height: 20 feet from grade (pedestrian surface) to top of or two feet below the , whichever is more restrictive.
         c.   Minimum : Eight feet between grade and bottom of .
         d.   Maximum projection from : Five feet.
      7.    .
      8.    .
      9.    , limited to properties zoned HO-2, HO-3, HNC, HC-1, HC-2, HC-3, HOCR-1 and HOCR-2.
      10.      (HLS), all types. The first HLS on a does not count toward the maximum total area.
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
   A.    Location
      The pedestrian business includes property as shown in Figure 1: Pedestrian Business Downtown; Figure 2: Pedestrian Business Fourth Avenue; Figure 3: Pedestrian Business Park Avenue; and Figure 4: Pedestrian Business Mercado.
Figure 1: Pedestrian Business Downtown
Figure 2: Pedestrian Business Fourth Avenue
Figure 3: Pedestrian Business Park Avenue
Figure 4: Pedestrian Business Mercado
   B.   Intent
       in the pedestrian business should provide clear and understandable identification for , businesses, and parking. on historic should be carefully designed and located to respect the visual integrity of the historic architecture, including scale, proportions, surface texture and decorative ornamentation.
   C.   Maximum Total Area
      Three square feet per foot of   .
   D.   Permitted Signs
      1.    generally permitted and types listed in Section 7A.10, except as modified by this subsection for this , and exempt under Section 7A.8 Exempt and Prohibited .
      2.    .
      3.    , and curbside.
      4.    , low profile and monument type only.
         a.   Maximum number: One per per   where a   is set back at least ten feet from a public , or one per   for a surface parking lot where parking is the primary use of the property.
         b.   Maximum area: 20 square feet per .
         c.   Parking lots: Where used to identify a commercial parking facility, each must display the standard Parking I.D. symbol.
         d.   Maximum height: 12 feet above grade.
      5.    .
      6.    .
         a.   Allowed for commercial uses only.
         b.   Maximum area: 20 square feet.
         c.   Maximum height: 20 feet from grade (pedestrian surface) to top of or two feet below the , whichever is more restrictive.
         d.   Minimum : Eight feet between grade and bottom of .
         e.   Maximum projection from : Five feet.
      7.    .
      8.    .
      9.    .
      10.    . Maximum size: 30% of the area of each .
      11.   Heritage landmark (HLS), all types. The first HLS on a does not count toward the maximum total area.
      12.    .
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
   A.   Location
      The scenic corridor (SCZ) includes any portion of property or within 400 feet, measured in any direction, of the of a , as designated on the map. If any portion of a is within the SCZ , the entire will be treated, for purposes only, as though it were entirely within the SCZ .
   B.   Maximum Total Area
      1.   For commercial or industrial uses: 1.25 square feet per foot of   with a minimum allowance of not less than 25 square feet and a maximum of 250 square feet per . must be oriented toward a , , , or the interior of the .
      2.   For multifamily complexes: 20 square feet per   .
   C.    Compliance
      All in this shall comply with applicable provisions of the and must be approved through the applicable review process.
   D.   Colors
      All shall use colors that are predominant within the surrounding landscape, such as desert and earth tones, as required in the scenic corridor provisions of the .
   E.   Permitted
      1.    generally permitted and types listed in Section 7A.10, except as modified by this subsection for this , and exempt under Section 7A.8 Exempt and Prohibited .
      2.    .
      3.    , monument and low profile only.
         a.   Maximum number per :
            (1)    : One for the first 450 feet of street . A second is permitted for a street from 451 feet to 850 feet. A third is permitted for a   from 851 feet to 1250 feet. This rule applies for each subsequent 400 feet of     .
            (2)    : One for the first 450 feet of   . A second is permitted for a   of 451 feet to 700 feet. A third is permitted for a   of 701 feet to 950 feet. This rule applies for each subsequent 250 feet of   .
            (3)    : One for the first 450 feet of   . A second is permitted for a   of 451 feet to 700 feet. A third is permitted for a   of 701 feet to 950 feet. This rule applies for each subsequent 250 feet of   .
         b.   Maximum area:
            (1)   Multifamily residential uses: 20 square feet per   .
            (2)   Commercial or industrial uses: 35 square feet per if located within the SCZ buffer, 50 square feet per if located outside the SCZ buffer.
         c.   Maximum height: Ten feet.
         d.   Location:
            (1)    : Maximum height shall be located no less than 7.5 feet behind the leading edge of the SCZ buffer and within 50 feet of the line. may be located one foot closer to the leading edge of the SCZ buffer for each foot (below the maximum) they are reduced in height.
            (2)   All other : Within 20 feet of the line and at least 150 feet from the of the .
         e.    that include or consist of a three-dimensional representation of a figure or object are prohibited.
         f.   Lighting: panels shall be . Light shall be emitted through individual translucent letters and/or symbols only, or individual letters and/or symbols may be halo illuminated. Unused panels shall be and designed to match the rest of the .
         g.   Within SCZ buffer copy and exposed neon are prohibited.
      4.    (medical uses).
         a.   Maximum area: Eight square feet.
         b.   Maximum height: Four feet to top of .
         c.   Permitted: Only if no on or .
      5.    .
      6.    .
         a.   Within the scenic corridor 30 foot landscape buffer the following shall apply:
            (1)   Minimum : Ten acres.
            (2)   Maximum area: Three square feet; identification or not to exceed one .
            (3)   Maximum number: One per vehicular entrance.
            (4)   Location: Within 20 feet of the entrance.
      7.    .
      8.    .
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
   A property owner within a PAD shall use the   of the upon which the PAD regulation is modeled or may submit a master program. are prohibited in a PAD .
(Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
7A.12.   APPEALS
All appeals shall be heard in accordance with Section 3.10 Board of Adjustment Appeals and Variances. The applicant may appeal a Board of Adjustment decision to the Mayor and Council per Section 3.9.2 Mayor and Council Appeals Procedure or to the Superior Court.
(Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
A design review committee is hereby created to assist the planning commission by reviewing and recommending amendments to the   and recommending design options in compliance with Section 7A.7  Design Options to the planning and development services . The committee's authority and organization shall be in accordance with Section 2.2.12  Design Review Committee.
(Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)