1258.01 Parking and storage of recreational equipment, recreational vehicles, and trailers.
1258.02 Home occupations.
1258.03 Overnight parking of oversized vehicles.
1258.04 Accessory buildings, structures and uses.
1258.05 Filling stations, public garages, and parking lots.
1258.06 Car and truck washes.
1258.07 Essential services.
1258.08 Mineral extraction, storage, processing. (Repealed)
1258.09 Private golf courses, commercial swimming pools, and other recreational facilities.
1258.10 Child care nurseries.
1258.11 Community-oriented residential social service facilities and halfway houses.
1258.12 Independent housing alternatives for the elderly.
1258.13 Seasonal temporary sales.
1258.14 Adult entertainment facilities.
1258.15 Signs.
1258.16 Medical marijuana dispensaries.
(a) No major recreational equipment or recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored on the right-of-way of any public street or way. No major recreational equipment or recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored on private property except as follows:
(1) Inside a garage or carport;
(2) Within a side or rear yard.
Not more than two items of major recreational equipment or recreational vehicles may be parked or stored outdoors on any one City lot. Parking is permitted anywhere on a lot for a period not exceeding 24 hours during active loading or unloading, provided that such use does not create damage to the sidewalk, tree lawn, or curb, or result in tracking of mud onto the street right-of-way.
(b) Such equipment shall not be connected to electricity, water, gas, or sanitary sewer facilities except that it maybe temporarily connected to electricity for charging of batteries and similar maintenance purposes. Recreational equipment shall not be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes on the premises.
(c) No trailer, as defined in Section 1242.01, shall be parked or stored within the front yard setback in any zoning district. Said trailer may be parked or stored within an enclosed garage, a carport, a side yard, or a rear yard. Parking is permitted anywhere on a lot for a period not to exceed 24 hours during active loading or unloading, provided that such use does not create damage to the sidewalk, tree lawn, or curb, or result in tracking of mud onto the right-of-way.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03; Ord. 09-2008. Passed 8-21-08; Ord. 03-2010. Passed 2-18-10.)
A home occupation shall be permitted only in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) No person or persons shall operate a home occupation or be employed thereunder other than a resident of the premises.
(b) The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling, and the use of the dwelling for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants. Not more than 25% of the gross floor area of any dwelling unit shall be used for a home occupation.
(c) There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation other than 1 home occupation sign, if permitted under Chapter 826 of these Codified Ordinances.
(d) There shall be no sale on the premises of commodities not produced as the result of the home occupation.
(e) No toxic, explosive, flammable, combustible, corrosive, etiologic, radioactive or other restricted materials shall be used or stored on the site in amounts greater than those normally associated with domestic use.
(f) In no case shall a home occupation be open to the public at times earlier than 8:00 a.m. nor later than 10:00 p.m. The times of operations for babysitting shall be 6:00 a.m. through 11:30 p.m.
(g) No advertisement shall be placed in any media containing the address of the property.
(h) Vehicles associated with the home occupation shall be subject to the following:
(1) Not more than 1 vehicle shall be used for the purposes of the home occupation.
(2) Such vehicle shall not be larger than a 3/4-ton truck.
(3) Deliveries and/or pickups of goods related to the home occupation shall not be made in vehicles other than the vehicle associated with the home occupation.
(4) Such vehicle shall not have any permanent advertising of the home occupation but may have magnetic or other temporarily affixed advertising, provided such advertising is removed at all times the home occupation is not open to the public, as set forth in division (f) of this section.
(i) No traffic, including deliveries, shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be off-street and not within a required front yard.
(j) Equipment or processes shall not be used in such home occupation which create noise, vibrations, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable outside the dwelling. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio, television receiver off the premises, or cause fluctuations in voltage off the premises.
(k) Only the following uses may be permitted as home occupations:
(1) Architectural and/or engineering service.
(2) Artist studio.
(3) Attorney.
(4) Babysitting, up to 8 children at a time. The times of operations for babysitting shall be 6:00 a.m. through 11:30 p.m.
(5) Beauty and barber services, 1 chair only.
(6) Professional consulting services.
(7) Data processing.
(8) Direct sale product distribution (Amway, Avon, Tupperware, etc.).
(9) Drafting and graphic design services.
(10) Dressmaking, sewing, tailoring, contract sewing (one machine).
(11) Financial planning, investment services.
(12) Graphic design.
(13) Internet sales, trading and information services.
(14) Home cooking and preserving for sale off-site.
(15) Home crafts such as model making, rug weaving, cabinet making or ceramics utilizing a kiln with a capacity of 6 cubic feet or less.
(16) House cleaning service.
(17) Insurance sales or broker.
(18) Interior design.
(19) Laundry, ironing service.
(20) Licensed massage therapist.
(21) Locksmith.
(22) Mail order, no retail sales from site.
(23) Real estate sales or broker.
(24) Sales representative, office only.
(25) Court reporter, stenographer.
(26) Telephone answering, switchboard, call forwarding.
(27) Tutoring, limited to 1 student at a time.
(28) Typing, word processing service.
(29) Writing, computer programming.
(30) Other similar uses as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
(l) The following uses, by the nature of the investment or operation, have a pronounced tendency once started to rapidly increase beyond the limits permitted for home occupations, and thereby impair the use and value of a residentially zoned area for residence purposes. Therefore, the uses specified below shall not be permitted as home occupations under any circumstances:
(1) Appliance repair.
(2) Automobile or vehicle repair, automobile or vehicle parts sales, automobile or vehicle painting or detailing, and automobile or vehicle washing service, including businesses working at customers' homes.
(3) Beauty and barber services, 2 or more chairs.
(4) Boarding house.
(5) Carpentry.
(6) Ceramics utilizing a kiln with a capacity of more than 6 cubic feet.
(7) Churches, religious instruction.
(8) Contracting, masonry, plumbing or painting.
(9) Gift shop.
(10) Health salons, gyms, dance studios, aerobic exercise studios.
(11) Limousine service.
(12) Medical or dental office.
(13) Mortician, hearse service.
(14) Palm reading, fortune telling.
(15) Photography studios.
(16) Private clubs.
(17) Rental equipment businesses.
(18) Restaurants, taverns, food preparation.
(19) Retail sales on site.
(20) Small engine repair.
(21) Tow truck services.
(22) Veterinary uses, including care, grooming, or boarding.
(23) Wedding or bridal shops.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03; Ord. 04-2016. Passed 4-7-16; Ord. 26- 2024. Passed 12-19-24.)
(a) Overnight parking of vehicles over 1-ton rated capacity, buses or mobile homes shall not be permitted:
(1) As an accessory use in any residential or office district;
(2) As an accessory use in any commercial or I-P Industrial Park District, between the front lot line and the front building line; and
(3) As an accessory use in any commercial or I-P industrial park district within 25 feet of any public right-of-way.
(b) Overnight parking of oversized vehicles in any commercial or I-P Industrial Park District shall be prohibited unless the vehicles are directly related to the business conducted on the property, subject to the provisions of divisions (a)(2) and (3) of this section. Oversized vehicles shall not be parked overnight on any vacant commercial or I-P Industrial Park property.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
(a) An accessory building is a building subservient to, and distinguishable from, the principal building on a lot or parcel. No accessory building shall be erected in any required yard or court, except a rear yard, and shall not occupy more than 30% of the area of the required rear yard. The required rear yard shall be defined as the actual rear yard width multiplied by the minimum rear yard depth required in the particular zoning district in question.
(b) Connection of an accessory building to a principal building by a breezeway, covered or uncovered walkway, fence or other similar unenclosed structure or improvement does not render it a part of the principal building.
(c) For computing the percentage of occupancy of a rear yard, as required in division (a) of this section, if a detached accessory building is connected to the principal building by a breezeway or covered walkway, the ground area of the breezeway or walkway shall be considered part of the accessory building and be included in the computation.
(d) No accessory building shall exceed the height of the principal structure or 25 feet, whichever is less.
(e) No accessory building shall be closer than 6 feet from any side or rear lot line, or any public alley.
(f) On a corner lot abutting in the rear the side lot line of a lot in a residential district, any accessory building or part thereof within 25 feet of the common lot line shall not be closer to the side street lot line than the least depth of the front yard required on such other lot fronting the side street; and in no case shall any part of the accessory building be closer to the side street lot line than the least width of the side yard required for the principal building to which it is accessory.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
(a) No visible appliance for any purpose other than fueling vehicles may be located within 20 feet of the established right-of-way line as shown on the Official Thoroughfare Plan, or within 35 feet of any residential district, except where the appliance is within a building.
(b) On all corner lots, all vehicular entrances to or exits from, and curb openings, shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the corner property lines extended or from the established right-of- way lines as shown on the Official Thoroughfare Plan. All curb openings, whether on a corner lot or not, shall not exceed 40 feet in width at the curb line, and 30 feet at the property line. There shall be a minimum of 20 feet measured along the property line between any series of driveways. The City reserves the right to further limit the location, size and number of curb cuts in accordance with sound engineering practice and/or to address traffic safety concerns voiced by the Police Department.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)