(a)   The site plan shall provide for adequate stacking of vehicles both before washing and during the drying process.
   (b)   The facility shall be designed to prevent dripping of water from washed vehicles onto the street in quantities sufficient to form ice in freezing temperatures, or the facility shall be closed whenever there is a risk of significant icing. Techniques to avoid or minimize drippage onto the public street may include: lengthy exit drives, traffic "bumps," drains in exit drives, and automated blowers.
   (c)   Washing bays shall be oriented for the drive-through movement to be parallel to the street, except where otherwise permitted under Planned Unit Development zoning.
   (d)   The Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to submit a credible operational analysis assuring compliance with divisions (a) and (b) of this section.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)