In connection with every building or part thereof thereafter erected, except dwellings, there shall be provided, on the same lot with such buildings, off-street loading spaces or berths, for receiving or distributing material or merchandise by vehicle, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 1260.02 and 1260.03.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
Off-street loading requirements shall be as follows:
Use | Number of Spaces Required
Supermarket, wholesalers, funeral homes, dry cleaning, laundry establishments, or like and similar use as determined by the Zoning Administrator | One per 5,000 square feet of floor area, rounded upwards |
Warehousing, retail stores, manufacturing and industry | One per 10,000 square feet of floor area, rounded upwards |
Hospitals, clinics, nursing and convalescent homes | One per 15,000 square feet of floor area, rounded upwards |
Offices and institutions | One per 20,000 square feet of floor area, rounded upwards |
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
(a) Dimension. Each off-street loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width by 50 feet in length having vertical clearance of 15 feet or more, plus adequate area for ingress and egress.
(b) Surfacing. All open loading spaces shall be graded and improved with bituminous concrete or portland cement concrete.
(c) Drainage. All loading spaces shall be provided with adequate drainage facilities as approved by the City Engineer.
(d) Location. All required loading spaces shall be off-street and shall be located on the same lot as the specific use to be served. No loading space shall be located within a required front or side yard when adjacent to a residential district. No permitted or required loading space shall be located within 50 feet of the nearest point of intersection of any 2 streets or highways.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)