(a) The site plan and construction drawings for all new nonresidential and multi-family uses and all major changes in the physical characteristics of such uses shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission for compliance with this Zoning Code, with other municipal laws, and with generally accepted engineering standards.
(b) Traffic Impact Study. At the option of the Planning Commission, the applicant may be required to provide, without expense to the City, a traffic impact study, conducted by a traffic/transportation engineer not otherwise employed by the applicant or his or her engineer, as defined in the State of Ohio Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices, to recommend what, if any, related on-site or off-site street improvements may be needed at adjacent intersections or along the affected roadway system. Such a study shall be advisory only. The Planning Commission shall make the final determination of what improvements to the infrastructure will be required after consultation with the City Engineer. The Commission may require the applicant's traffic impact study to include cost estimates and cost-benefit analyses for possible improvements.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
Site plan review shall be based on drawings and other assurances submitted by the applicant, showing sufficient detail to facilitate a meaningful review. Site plan review shall include, but not be limited to parking areas, interior traffic circulation, building locations, ingress/egress, landscaping, lighting, signage, location of waste removal and related screening, sidewalks and pedestrian ways, curbs, gutters, utilities, and storm water management systems. Site plan review shall at a minimum be sufficiently comprehensive to assure that the express requirements of this Zoning Code are being met and the public health and safety will be protected.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)
The Commission may require the modification of submitted plans and/or the construction of related on-site and off-site improvements, such as turn lanes and traffic signal modifications, as necessary to bring the project into conformance with this Zoning Code or otherwise to protect the public health or safety from the negative impacts of the development.
(Ord. 16-2003. Passed 5-1-03.)