(A)   No overhead current carrying electrical conductors of 75 volts or more shall cross private residential swimming pools or be located within 12 feet of such pools.
   (B)   All metal fences, enclosures or railings near or adjacent to private residential swimming pools, which might become electrically alive as a result of contact with broken overhead conductors, or from any other cause, shall be effectively grounded.
   (C)   The recirculating system pump may not be on the same circuit with the general pool lighting. If the recirculating pump is three-fourths horsepower or more, then it must be on a completely separate circuit.
   (D)   All underground wiring shall comply with the provisions of the National Electric Code. Wiring installed under the pool proper or under impervious walk areas shall be three-quarter-inch rigid conduit, Type RR, installed by a licensed contractor.
   (E)   All exterior receptacles shall be of the grounded type.
(Prior Code, § 151.36) Penalty, see § 151.99