(A)   (1)   Equipment shall be provided for the disinfection of all pool water. Any disinfection method using materials other than chlorine compounds shall be subject to the approval of the Code Enforcement Officer.
      (2)   Disinfection equipment installed for the use of chlorine compounds shall have sufficient capacity to maintain a free chlorine residual of not less than one-half parts per million. The disinfectant shall be introduced into the recirculation system of the filters.
   (B)   Gaseous chlorination systems shall not be made use of as a disinfection method for pool water.
   (C)   A test kit with permanent color standards shall be provided and each individual owner shall be responsible for the disinfection of his or her own pool. However, the Board of Health reserves the right to make inspections and take appropriate action according to law.
(Prior Code, § 151.34)