Plans, specifications and other pertinent data, required to be submitted in connection with an application for the permit provided for in this chapter, shall include the following information to the extent applicable, as well as other data as may be reasonably requested by the Code Enforcement Officer:
   (A)   Plans, drawn to scale, indicating all dimensions, including length, width and depth of pool structure and width of pool deck;
   (B)   A profile drawing, showing elevation of normal pool water level, elevation of the sewer or drain line which is to receive the pool, filter and over-flow gutter drainage;
   (C)   A cross-section drawing of overflow gutters and or skimmers;
   (D)   Pipe diagrams, showing size of all pipes, inlets, outlets, make-up water lines, vacuum lines, waste and discharge lines, circulation and other pipings;
   (E)   The pool equipment room or area layout, showing filters, their location, pumps, chlorinators, chemical feeders, flow meter, gauges, sight glass, strainers, hair and lint interceptors, dimensions of filter room or area, its location, floor drain, pumps and other pertinent information;
   (F)   The liquid capacity of the pool;
   (G)   The liquid capacity of any wading pool; and
   (H)   The kind, number and size of filters, including the square footage of the filter area in each unit.
(Prior Code, § 151.16)