A Deputy Director of Public Service may be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of Council and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Deputy Director shall service as the Acting Director in the absence or unavailability of the Director. The Deputy Director shall report to the Director of Public Service and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor and/or the Director.
(Ord. 284-22. Passed 7-19-22.)
(a) A Division of Solid Waste is established in the Department of Public Service under the supervision of the Director of Public Service.
(b) Division of Solid Waste shall be charged with the design, operation and maintenance of all City landfills, incinerators and recycling plants, including the maintenance and compliance of any closed landfills owned by the City, all in compliance with applicable federal and state law and environmental rules and regulations. The division shall be responsible for ensuring the collection and disposal of garbage and waste through contract with other public and/or private entities.
(c) At the direction of the Mayor, the Director shall employ such managers and other personal having knowledge of landfill and waste operations, as necessary for Division operations and supported by proper budget appropriations. A Manager shall have such duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor and the Director of Public Service or as may be imposed by ordinance or other applicable law for the management of the Solid Waste Division operations.
(Ord. 284-22. Passed 7-19-22.)
(a) A Division of Facilities and Fleet Operations is established in the Department of Public Service under the supervision of a Commissioner of Facilities and Fleet Operations, who shall be appointed by the Mayor in the manner provided by the Charter and shall serve as the pleasure of the Mayor.
(b) The Division of Facilities and Fleet Operations shall have responsibility for the maintenance and repair of all City-owned buildings and facilities, except as may otherwise be provide pursuant to this Municipal Code or ordinance, and responsibility for the acquisition, lease, rental, maintenance, allocation, transfer and removal or retirement of all vehicles or motor equipment within the city's fleet. The Division shall have responsibility for all city maintenance garages and fueling stations.
(c) The Commissioner of Facilities and Fleet Operations shall have supervision and control of the Division of Facilities and Fleet Operations under the direction of the Director of Public Service. The Commissioner shall have such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Public Service or the Mayor or as may be imposed by ordinance or other applicable law.
(1) Fleet Operations. The Commissioner shall direct the operation of the Municipal Garage and all of the shops of the City engaged in the maintenance of motor equipment; and employees engaged in this service shall be under this general supervision. All motor equipment owned by the City shall be under the supervision of the Commissioner of Facilities and Fleet Operations.
The Commissioner shall assign equipment to the various activities either permanently or temporarily in accordance with the needs of the work programs of the activities as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall have authority to transfer or reassign equipment in accordance with the needs of the service.
The Commissioner shall maintain an ongoing an inspection program of City equipment and shall have the authority to order equipment retired from service for the purpose of inspection, service, repairs or replacement. The Commissioner shall annually prepare for the Mayor, in accordance with the budget schedule set by the Finance Department, a recommended schedule of motor equipment requirements for replacement or additions for the following year.
(2) Facilities Operations. The Commissioner of Facilities and Fleet Operations shall direct and manage all administrative and technical activities related to the maintenance, repair and new construction of City public buildings and related facilities and equipment. The Commissioner shall be responsible for initiating energy management programs for all City buildings.
The Commissioner shall review all budget requests pertaining to building maintenance projects, supplies, remodeling, alterations and new construction and make recommendations for inclusion in the annual budget of the Division. Each property owned by the city shall have an initial assessment and a 20-year projected maintenance plan. Informed by the 20-year maintenance plan, the Commissioner shall prepare the yearly five-year Capital Improvement Program for all City buildings and related facilities.
(Ord. 284-22. Passed 7-19-22.)
The Commissioner of Facility and Fleet Operations shall enforce such rules or administrative procedures as prescribed by the Mayor for the use of City facilities or the use and operation of City motor equipment or vehicles. The Commissioner shall give notice to the directors of the proper departments of violations of rules, misuse of equipment or the unfitness of operators of equipment. Department directors shall be charged with the duty of seeing to the proper use of equipment assigned to their respective departments and compliance with all rules and regulations incidental to its operation.
(Ord. 284-22. Passed 7-19-22.)
The Commissioner of Facilities and Fleet Operations shall establish the rates to be charged to other department or divisions by Fleet Operations for any and all services rendered by them, including repair work, servicing, dispensing supplies, towing, storage, rental or any other services or supplies incidental to the operation and maintenance of motor equipment. The Commissioner shall establish the rate charged by Facilities Operations for services rendered for construction, renovations, repairs, maintenance and contractual services, or any other services or supplies incidental to the operation and maintenance of City facilities and equipment. Rates shall not exceed the cost of service, including overhead.
(Ord. 284-22. Passed 7-19-22.)