General Provisions
50.001 Chapter constitutes minimum requirements
50.002 Filing ordinance constitutes notice to property owners
50.003 Use of fire hydrants by unauthorized personnel; permit required
50.004 Air-conditioning, refrigeration systems using village water
50.005 Fluoride
50.006 Interference with waterworks property
50.007 Excavations near waterworks property; liability for damages
50.008 Restricting use of water during public emergencies
50.009 Sprinkler systems
Rates and Charges
50.020 Application for service; commencement
50.021 Certificate of occupancy required
50.022 Rates based on meter readings
50.023 (Reserved)
50.023A Utility administrative fee
50.023B Water service — base charges
50.023C Water service — volumetric charges
50.024 Excess charges due to defective meter
50.025 Billing procedure; due date
50.026 Parties liable for payment
50.027 Change of ownership of premises
50.028 Delinquent accounts; service discontinuation; hearing; lien
50.029 Delinquent accounts; reinstatement of service
50.030 Reimbursement of village for attorney’s fees
50.031 (Reserved)
50.032 Water Fund
50.033 Illegal use of unmetered water; unauthorized reinstatement of service
50.050 Meters to measure all water use
50.051 Location, connection
50.052 Installation
50.053 Access to meter to be maintained
50.054 Ownership of meters
50.055 Testing; repair
50.056 Purchasing or replacing meters
50.057 Tampering with or damaging meters
Water Main Distribution System
50.070 Size; materials
50.071 Installation
50.072 Cast iron gate valves
50.073 Butterfly valves
50.074 Fire hydrants
50.075 Valve vaults
50.076 Extensions; service outside corporate limits
50.077 Private agreements
Construction and Connections
50.090 Connection permit required
50.091 Water service lines
50.092 Water meter valves
50.093 Use of water during construction; fees
50.094 Turning on water
50.095 Water mains: horizontal separation
50.096 Water mains: vertical separation
50.097 Water service lines
Repairs; Maintenance
50.110 Permit required for repairs
50.111 Repairs requiring street opening
50.112 Maintenance of service lines
50.113 Maintenance of pipes and fixtures
50.125 Director of Public Works
50.126 Inspections
50.998 Discontinuance of service for violations
50.999 Penalty