General Provisions
   52.001   Purpose
   52.002   Definitions
   52.003   Private sewerage disposal
   52.004   Protection from damage
   52.005   Unpolluted drainage
   52.006   Depositing objectionable waste prohibited
   52.007   Discharge of untreated sewage or other polluted waters to natural outlet
   52.008   Privies, septic tanks and other facilities
   52.009   Owner’s responsible to connect sanitary facilities
   52.010   Sealing of sewer and drains upon removal, demolition of building
   52.011   Connection charge established
   52.012   Excavations
   52.013   Connections to be made by licensed plumber; specifications for laterals
Building Sewer and Connections
   52.025   Connection permit required
   52.026   Costs and expenses of installation and connection of building sewer; indemnification
   52.027   Separate building sewer provided for every building
   52.028   Use of old building sewers with new buildings
   52.029   Size and slope
   52.030   Elevation of drain pipe
   52.031   Sources of surface runoff or ground water
   52.032   Connection to conform to provisions
   52.033   Notification to approving authority for inspection
   52.034   Excavations to be guarded to protect public from hazard
   52.035   Adequate capacity prerequisite to new connections
Use of Public Sewers
   52.050   Discharge of storm water and other unpolluted drainage
   52.051   Prohibited discharges to public sewers
   52.052   Discharge of certain wastes restricted
   52.053   Pretreatment; equalization of waste flows
   52.054   Grease, oil and sand interceptors
   52.055   Preliminary treatment facilities
   52.056   Control manhole; measurements, tests and analyses
   52.057   Industrial wastes; special agreements
   52.058   Basis of charges
   52.059   Rate and rate surcharge
Sewerage Treatment Standards
   52.070   Pretreatment of sewerage
   52.071   New sanitary sewerage system construction
   52.072   User charge reviewed annually
   52.073   Rejection or reduction of industrial discharges
   52.074   Annual audit of costs accounting system
   52.075   Maintenance of records
   52.076   Depreciation and replacement
Industrial Cost Recovery
   52.090   Cost recovery formula
   52.091   Letter of intent
   52.092   Basis for user’s costs
   52.093   Annual payments by users
   52.094   Adjustment of payment for change in variables
   52.095   Exclusions from user shares
   52.096   Disposition of collected funds
   52.097   Use of city-retained funds
   52.098   Required types of investment
   52.099   System administration by City Clerk
   52.100   Annual audit
Administration and Enforcement
   52.115   Powers and authority of inspectors
   52.116   NPDES permit; compliance with conditions of permit required
   52.117   Chief Operator to be in charge of operation and maintenance of system
   52.118   Federal regulations adopted by reference
   52.999   Penalty