EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously a codification of Ordinance 56-94, passed December 27, 1994, was repealed in its entirety and re-enacted by Ordinance 105-99, passed January 10, 2000.
1322.01 Purpose.
1322.02 Definitions.
1322.03 Installation; permit required.
1322.04 Permit application and issuance for large satellite earth stations; plans and specifications.
1322.05 Permit application and issuance for small satellite earth stations; plans and specifications.
1322.06 Inspections.
1322.07 Location of large satellite earth stations.
1322.08 Construction standards for large satellite earth stations.
1322.09 Location and construction of small satellite earth stations.
1322.10 Appeals.
1322.11 Permit fee.
1322.12 Prohibitions and judicial action.
Interrupting or impairing television - see Ohio R.C. 2909.04
"Property" defined to include cable television service - see GEN. OFF. 501.01(j)
"Services" defined to include cable television service - see GEN. OFF. 545.01(e)
Theft of services prohibited - see GEN. OFF. 545.05
Wireless communications facilities - see P. & Z. 741.06