(a)   Only galvanized metal support construction or the equivalent shall be permitted.
   (b)   The structure, installation, and electrical wiring must be in conformance with all applicable City building, electrical, zoning and fire codes and ordinances.
   (c)   If ground-mounted, only a concrete base or caissons, depending on soil conditions, extending not less than three feet below the surface, shall be employed. The top of the base or caissons shall be even with the ground level.
   (d)   The maximum height of any large satellite earth station shall be ten feet from natural grade level except when roof mounted, then it shall not exceed thirty-five feet from natural grade level.
   (e)   The structure, including the foundation, shall be designed to withstand wind force of up to ninety miles per hour.
   (f)   Any driving motor shall be limited to 110 volt maximum design voltage. The motor and all other rotating parts shall be contained in protective guards.
   (g)   The large satellite earth station shall be bonded to a grounding rod in accordance with the requirements provided in the current edition of the National Electrical Code adopted by the City of South Euclid.
   (h)   All underground electrical wiring shall be encased in rigid conduit with an eighteen-inch cover. Overhead wiring shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings or his or her designee.
   (i)   If guy wires are to be used, they shall be confined to all setback requirements.
   (j)   Plans shall conform to good engineering practices.
   (k)   Other than ground-mounted large satellite earth stations, all required construction plans shall be prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer.
(Ord. 105-99. Passed 1-10-2000.)